Medical mystery

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Request - Tk doesn't feel well for a few days it gets brushed off as a stomach bug but it turns out to be so much more after Tk gets taken to the hospital after fainting

It all started on a random Monday the sun had been shining through the window of the loft Carlos opened his eyes seeing Tk curled into a ball "Morning husband .." Carlos smiled tracing over Tk's features Tk just smiled "What's the matter ?" Carlos asked "My stomach just is upset .." Tk said

Carlos put his hand on Tk's head "Well it's good you don't have a fever maybe it's a stomach bug .." Carlos said, "Just stay here okay I'll make you some soup ." Carlos said kissing Tk's head

But when Carlos came back up with the soup Tk was not in bed he was over the toilet puking Carlos quickly put the tray down rushing to Tk's side "Hey hey .." Carlos said rubbing Tk's sides "Why don't we get you back in bed .." Carlos said helping Tk up "I'm sorry ." Tk mumbled "You shouldn't have to do this .." Tk said "Look at me," Carlos said

"I love you - and I don't mind taking care of you .." Carlos said stroking Tk's cheek

But Tk's sickness continued - not for just one day but three the constant puking and just don't feel that great

Carlos was making dinner one night when Tk came downstairs to help "Hey are you feeling better ?" Carlos asked, "A little I'm not as nauseous.. so that's good ." Tk said

That's when Tk got dizzy "Baby you okay ?" Carlos asked Tk stood up Tk nodded but instead fainted "Tk !" Carlos called before rushing to him

Next thing Tk knew he was waking up in the hospital he hated hospitals the team would often joke that it was his second home but he hated it because it was so sterile Tk looked to his side to see Carlos holding his hand "Hey baby you gave me a scare .." Carlos said "how are you feeling do you need -" Carlos asked before Tk put his finger over his lips "I need you .." Tk said

Not long later the doctor entered the room "Welcome back Mr strand I have some great news for the both of you ." The doctor said, "You're pregnant ." The doctor said as Tk and Carlos looked at him confused "Wait - that doesn't - he's felt like crap for 3 days ." Carlos said "That along with the fainting is usually caused by hormones in the body it's common as people start their pregnancy that's the time when the body starts adjusting to caring for another life .." the doctor said, "I'm gonna get his discharge papers you guys should be out of here by dinner time ." The doctor smiled

"Are we ready for this ?" Tk asked looking at Carlos "We'll be ready ." Carlos said kissing Tk's hand "We've got this ." Carlos smiled

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