Glass shattered on the white claw part 2

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Request - Alex finds out where Tk lives and when he shows up he finds Carlos rather than who he came there to get back

Authors note • I forgot who requested this part 2 but here it is

Later that night after they went to bed Carlos couldn't sleep - he couldn't stop thinking about Tk being abused he felt like he was going Tk crawl out of his skin

Carlos quietly got out of bed trying not to wake Tk up before grabbing his laptop

Carlos knew what he was about to do was wrong but what was he supposed to do? Just leave it alone and act as if it never happened

He sat at the counter pouring himself a fresh cup of coffee before logging onto his computer
He logged into the police database searching for abuse cases in New York and sure enough Tk's came up Carlos knew what he would see when he opened this file he knew it would bring up more questions that didn't have answers

But regardless he clicked on it pictures of Tk's neck arms legs back all came up with bruises and www welts covering him but as Carlos scrolled through the file he noticed something Tk didn't bring up

A rape kit was done Carlos prayed silently in his head until Tk broke him out of his trance "You're up late .." Tk said softly rubbing his eyes

"You were raped ?" Carlos asked choking back tears " Where did you hear that.." tk said as Carlos turned his computer around "You looked my case up ?" Tk backed away from Carlos " Tk I was worried ." Carlos said standing up

" I don't know why I even told you ." Tk scoffed

" seriously so that's it your just gonna walk away ?" Carlos asked

" what do you expect me to do Carlos? You keep sticking your nose in my shit and I'm getting sick of having to explain my past to you and of course, you take matters into your own hands and try to figure it out yourself ." Tk said before grabbing his keys

" you can't just leave." Carlos said, "Watch me ." Tk said before grabbing his coat "he fucking beat you Tk !" Carlos yelled, " he raped you didn't he?" Carlos said putting his hand on Tk's shoulder and turning him around "That's none of your fucking business now get your hand off me ." Tk said moving past Tk " I don't need you to protect me ." Tk said before closing the door behind him

But what tk didn't know was when pulled up at the park someone was in the car with him he felt a good rope around his neck and a kiss on his cheek "You scream you dead ." Alex said

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