The big Blow

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Prompt -Tk comes to Carlos after he finds out his dad has cancer but not for what you think ..
He was an addict -

He would always be an addict

Clean or not - getting hit was always the first thing that came to his mind when he received bad news so how was he supposed to react when his dad has stage 2 lung cancer and didn't tell him till now ?

He couldn't relapse - no matter how much he wanted to - his dad needed him and he couldn't be there for his dad if he was to high to know he even existed

He needed something to fill his time to keep his mind off of getting high - luckily he did have the address of a very hot officer who was dying for a text back but texting simply wouldn't fill his time he needed to keep busy

Not long later a knock came on Carlos's door he washed his hands quickly before heading to answer the door to his surprise to find Tk "can I blow you ?" Tk asked brushing past Carlos " can you what?" Carlos said turning around in confusion " can I suck your dick ?" Tk huffed "yeah- always but-" Carlos asked

" couch now ." Tk ordered Carlos did as he was told laying back on the couch letting to undo the buttons on his jeans before pulling them down by his knees before he knew it Tk had the head of his very hard dick in his mouth " wait ty -" Carlos objected

"What ? Do you not want me ?" Tk said taking the back of his palm wiping his mouth "no i - i really do your lips feel - ." Carlos stuttered as Tk latched back on driving Carlos crazy " oh fuckk.." Carlos moaned " then shut up and let me suck your dick." Tk said before getting back to work

A little while later Tk had wiped his mouth and Carlos was zipping up his fly " why'd you really come over tonight?" Carlos asked looking at Tk " I missed your dick and I wanted to blow you ." Tk lied

"What ?" Tk asked as Carlos just kept observing him " I can't like your dick ?" Tk huffed " you can and he likes you to but we both know that that's not why you came over tonight ." Carlos said

"I wanted - I wanted to be with someone I felt safe with - so I didn't do anything stupid .." Tk huffed

"What do you mean something stupid?" Carlos asked "so I didn't relapse .. opioids .." Tk mumbled

"Look can I just stay here tonight ? So I don't do anything dumb and then I'll be out of your hair in the morning ." Tk said " yeah of course .." Carlos smiled " so you feel safe with me ..." Carlos teased.

"Fucking asshole ." Tk laughed

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