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Request - Carlos gets seriously hurt and Tk spirals / happy ending

One gunshot

It's crazy how one gunshot can completely ruin your life - and take the ones you love most away from you
"Is this Tk Reyes - Strand ?" The voice said over the phone

"That's me .." Tk said anxiously

Next thing Tk knew he was in the hospital holding Carlos's hand and waiting for Andrea and Gabriel to arrive

"Baby - I'm so worried .. everything the doctors are telling me - it's all so scary they say you're in a coma - and that your body.." Tk said wiping his tears "That your body has endured a lot of trauma and that it might have been too much for you to come back from - .." Tk said bringing Carlos's hand to his mouth " I love you okay? I need you to come back to me.." Tk said "Mijo.." Andrea said standing in the doorway "Andrea - I " Tk said wiping his tears

"Come here mijo." Andrea said opening her arms "I'm sorry .." Tk mumbled as Andrea wrapped her arms around him "You have nothing to be sorry for mijo." Andrea said, " I should- you guys should have some time with him .."

"Sweetheart your always welcome to sit with him you don't have to give us our own time .." Andrea said " I know I just - I need - I need some air ." tk said looking at Carlos

Tk wiped his tears as he came out of Carlos's room he walked into the hallway seeing Gabriel
"Mijo why don't we go take a walk okay ?" Gabriel said, "But don't you wanna go see Carlos ?" Tk said biting his nails "I think Carlos would appreciate me taking care of his boy more.." Gabriel said

"He's gonna be okay mijo. Our boys a fighter ." Gabriel said, "Do you think he's happy with me ?" Tk asked looking at Gabriel "Mijo why would you ever ask such a thing.." Gabriel asked, "im a lot - he puts up with all my shit and now he's here and I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown." Tk said hitting his nails

"It's normal to be upset he's your husband..if it was Andrea in that bed I would be the same way ." Gabriel says "And I know my sons are happy with you... Because I see how his face lights up when he sees you..and he never shuts up about you ." Gabriel said

"C'mon let's get you back Carlos will flip if you aren't there when he wakes up "That's if he wakes up.." Tk says " he will ." Gabriel smiled

Gabriel and Andrea ended up going home for the night Tk was determined to keep watch of
Carlos's vitals but he fell asleep after awhile

Carlos came back slowly but surely the hospital light brought him back fully his eyes scanned the room until they came across Tk curled up in a hospital chair Carlos knew all too well those chairs hurt your back -

"Baby -" Carlos mumbled his voice was scratchy and his throat was parched but water could wait Tk was more important "Ty baby wake up.." Carlos said Tk startled awake "your up.." Tk said before hugging Carlos tightly "im okay baby... I'm sorry for the scare.." Carlos said as Tk kissed his forehead "Oh my god I need - I need to get the doctor in here to check you over ." Tk said "Baby-" Carlos said catching his breath "One more minute .." Carlos said softly before Tk came back to hug him

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Tarlos One shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora