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Carlos struggles at work and Tk makes it all better

It wasn't often that Carlos had a hard time at work he did everything to make sure that he was set up for success . But he wore his heart on his sleeve and sometimes things on the job - sometimes things were pretty brutal

Carlos sat at his desk trying to carry on with his work but he couldn't shake the memory of what he had witnessed he debated calling Tk or going to the station for - he was on shift he shouldn't burden him with this ....

"Reyes you alright ?" His partner asked stopping his train of thought "i need some air ." Carlos said getting up from his desk he pushed through the doors of the precinct he slid down the wall to the concrete holding his chest the fire the little girl lost her mother and father the little girls scream ripped through his body

It had been a while since he had his last panic attack he didn't wanna have it here not at work he hesitantly dialed Tk's number but held off wen Tk's car pulled into the parking lot confused Carlos put his phone down as Tk parked " heard you needed somebody ." Tk said softly walking over before sitting on the ground taking Carlos's hand Carlos's breathing was still fast

"Who called you ?" Carlos hummed through his fast paced breathing " Lucy she said you were pretty shaken up ..." Tk said rubbing Carlos's hands in his " do it with me okay ?" Tk said doing Carlos's breathing exercises " again .' Tk said brushing Carlos's hair back " good ." Tk said as Carlos relaxed "i wanna go home ." Carlos said " okay ." Tk said getting up and walking into Carlos's job Carlos was confused until Tk came out with Carlos's work bag " ready to go ?" Tk asked " I shouldn't take you from work -." Carlos debated "too late i already took off Nancy's gonna Cover the rest of my shift ." Tk said taking Carlos's hand " I'm not trying to get you in trouble ." Carlos said " I'm picking p a day for her so she can go on a date with your partner so it works out ." Tk said opening the passenger side door

The drive home was quiet they didn't need to say anything having Tk's hand in his was enough for Carlos " did you want me to run you a bubble bath or we could take a nap whatever you need "you did enough seriously i feel bad enough for you having to come pick me up ." Carlos said looking at Tk put his stuff away

"How many times have you picked me up ? How many times have you sat and let me complain about my shitty days ." Tk said coming between Carlos's legs " cmon i know you know the truth ." Tk hummed as he stroked Carlos's face " a lot .." Carlos admitted unwillingly as he watched this worried eyes scan over his body " so let me take care of you for once ." Tk said looking for carlos's approval

"Okay ." Carlos gave in he wasn't mentally strong enough to fight Tk to prove that he didn't need him even though Carlos knew he did

"Cmon ." Tk said giving Carlos his hand Carlos took it without question before letting Tk lead him up their stairway which had pictures of them since the time they got together framed in black

Tk sat Carlos in the bed while he went into the bathroom he ran the bath and put carlos's favorite bath salt in there to soak

"You okay if I do it ?" Tk asked fiddling with carlos's shirt "please." Carlos smiled

To went on to remove his shirt and undershirt and then his pants Carlos took his hand as Tk led him to the tub where he carefully removed his boxers and helped him in the tub Carlos felt all the stress and tension float away as soon as that water hit his body the scents of his favorite bath salt filled the air " your not joining ?" Carlos said holding on to tks hand

" I have a few things I need to do but I'll be back." Tk said stroking Carlos's face Carlos sighed he wished Tk would have stayed and got in the bath but Tk didn't stay away that long before coming back with a towel and some loungewear that had been heated up in the dryer

" get dressed And I'll meet you in bed ." Tk smiled before placing a soft kiss on Carlos's head

When Carlos opened the pocket door that separated their bedroom from the bathroom he saw his favorite candle was lit and a tray sat on the bed filled with Carlos's favorite take out and some tea

And the remote paused on Carlos's favorite show "you did this all for me ?" Carlos asked " I just wanted you to feel loved like you always me feel ." Tk said with a soft smile Carlos climbed into the bed softly before pulling Tk in for a kiss " I love you so much ." Carlos said

Tarlos One shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon