tough love

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Prompt - Tk is off work and ods after Gwen's death and almost dies Carlos is a responding officer angst/ comfort

Tk's head couldn't stop spinning his mom had just died - they missed the funeral because the plane went down too many things were happening all at once and Tk just couldn't handle it so with that he grabbed his wallet and headed out the food

When his dad dragged him to Austin 2 years ago unwillingly all Tk could think about was relapsing

So he did Tk knew his way around it didn't take long for him to find 10 places to score easily of course that all went away when Owen started the firehouse remodel and booked Tk with a therapist 5 times a week

Tk didn't have a moment away nor in general to think about getting high and ever since he had been sober but when his mom died it was all he could think about - the fentanyl rushing through his veins like liquid gold taking away all his pain his grief

Tk hated grief he'd do anything to escape it - Carlos wasn't home he wouldn't be for another 12 hours giving Tk plenty of time to pick himself up from whatever dump corner of Austin he landed in and make his way home and just sleep it off

So with that, he handed the guy the 40$ bucks and went into the dark alley next to the dumpster
Tk hadn't forgotten how to do the process at all it was in his DNA he was an addict and nobody could blame him for being one he would always be an addict

"Possible fentanyl overdose on the west street." Dispatcher said over the radio "H26-H20 responding ." Carlos said over the radio he checked his phone one more time waiting for a response from Tk regarding dinner plans nothing he just assumed maybe Tk fell asleep or accidentally left his phone at home

When he showed up at the scene the 122 paramedics were already there attending to the patient "What do we get?" Carlos asked his partner who went to check out the scene "You should wait in the car .." his partner said "What? Why? You can't get an idea of the guy ." Carlos asked

"No— it's your boyfriend." His partner said Carlos pushed past her making his way to the paramedics sure enough it was Tk lying there unconscious

It seemed like the time at the hospital kept dragging on forever - they were able to get Tk back thank god - but they had to wait for him to wake up and then from there it was a whole new bag of worms

Carlos had to call Owen to tell him that his son who had been clean for two years had almost just died by overdose-

Carlos was a wreck what was Tk thinking?

That was all Carlos could think until he heard Tk groan softly Tk started looking around the room until his eyes set on Carlos "You're a fucking  asshole !" Carlos said hitting Tk's shoulder "You can't just do that ." Carlos yelled

"I'm sorry ." Tk mumbled under his breath "You could've fucking died Tk you scared the shit out of me ." Carlos said walking around the hospital room

"I'm sorry - I - I'm sorry Los ." Tk said softly  before turning on his side "god - I fucking love you ." Carlos said coming to Tk's side  before pulling Tk in for a kiss "I just wanted to numb the pain ." Tk mumbled as Carlos brushed the hair out of his face "Then you come to talk to me or go see your therapist not almost kill yourself." Carlos said holding Tk's hand

"You going back to therapy ." Carlos said softly "Babe please no- I'm fine ." Tk protested "It's either therapy a few times a week or rehab ..." Carlos said " I'm not doing this to hurt you Tk I'm doing it because I love you ." Carlos said

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