𝕸 𝖔 𝖔 𝖓: 𝖙 𝖊 𝖉 𝖉 𝖞

Start from the beginning

"Don't forget about your old man, forever stuck cleaning up after your dirts." — He chuckled.

"Ah, you know you've got a soft spot in my heart," — I said, leaning my elbow against the bath frame with wine in hand, still glued to the screen — "Taking care of Seth and making him vanish without even a speck of blood on my sheets feels like giving you a little something extra, as a token of appreciation."

"Can't wait for the transfer, so I can finally kick back and relax at the gambling club," — He took in a deep breath through his nostrils — "Yeah, I can already smell the double winnings coming my way."

"Just make sure your little one doesn't interfere this time," — I sipped the wine again — "Like last time, you were teetering on the edge of losing the game and I had to go lurk around your rival and deal with him."

"I clean up your mess while you clean up mine, that's symbiosis," — We both let out a chuckle — "One more thing, have you thought about what to do with that crybaby?"

"Nah, not yet," — I shrugged, swirling the wine in my glass — "Haven't even bothered to think about him."

"Well, if I wasn't stuck at the main HQ and didn't have to endure his desperate whining day and night, I wouldn't give a damn either," — He paused, taking a sip of his drink — "I still have no clue why you dragged him into this mess. He's always been useless."

"Everyone has their uses; you just have to know how to make them worth it, Dad," — I said, sinking deeper into the bath.

"Can't I just smash his head in so he'll stop whining?" — He sighed in annoyance — "Really, just give me the green light, and I'll get rid of him quicker than I did with Seth."

"We only get our hands dirty with valuable people, and that might pay off," — I said, idly playing with the foam — "He's not worth staining our hands with a murder committed by any of us."

"But you know the deal, sweetie," — He continued — "Let's just say we could've used him a few months back, and maybe offing him wasn't entirely necessary then, but now? There's just no way we can use him anymore. He's completely useless in his old circles, and all he brings now is pain to my poor nerves."

"You're a tough cookie, big guy," — I teased with a smirk — "You can tough it out a bit longer, Dad. At least until I come up with something we can use him for."

"You get a kick out of torturing your poor, old man, don't you?"

"Consider it my sweet revenge, bringing some peace and satisfaction for my past."

"Fine, have it your way," — He groaned, earning another chuckle from me — "But do me a favour and, at least, send over some earplugs."

"The awareness of you squirming and your ears bleeding gives me a some kind of pleasant satisfaction I want to relish a bit longer."

"You're absolutely ruthless." - He chuckled.

"Like father, like daughter," — I remarked, taking another sip of my wine — "If you catch wind of anything new in Seth's people case, give me a heads-up ASAP."

"Will do, sweetheart," — I heard the smile in his voice — "Sleep well."

"Evil never sleeps," — I gave the wine in the glass another swirl — "It only awakes at night."

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