Începe de la început

And before you knew it exhaustion clouded over you causing you to fall into deep slumber.

A strong scent of blood caused you to flutter open your eyes as you rose up from the bed to search the emission of such strong scent.

Your toes touched the floor as you felt some sort of liquid in your skin.

You flinched back in fear and frustration as you noticed blood gushing out from Kioto's body!

What was he doing here..?

You felt nausea from the overwhelming smell of blood.

You slowly stepped closer as to really see the truth behind what appeared in front of your eyes.

Tick, tock.

You took a step forward.

Tick, tock.

His blood slowly staining your gown.


Tick, tock.

You could see the knife gripping his skin, as crimson dripped down.

You felt stifling. "H-Haah... n-no."

Tick, tock.

You slowly crouched down, as you reached out for him only to wince back in frustration as you heard a quiet voice.

"You killed him." You looked up to see yourself standing infront of you.

"You killed him, how could you?" She asked you.

You breath hitched as the scene unfolded.

You were definately, insane at this point. To think there will be a day where you will be questioning yourself with regards to your own action.

Was it even real, how could there be two yous!?

But the situation didn't spare you the chance to think about this.

You were trembling, trembling to see your own actions which you commited with your own two hands.

You never felt that terrible when you stabbed him then why now?

"Why now, why are trembling now?" She asked you again, more like asking herself.

"You never trembled, when you stabbed him, then why now?" Your conflicted thoughts seemed to get voiced out by her.

"Y-You aren't real." Was all you spoke before slamming a flower vase at the blurry figure.

She didn't even flinch back let alone disappear.

"I am not real,remember?" she reminded you, your own words.

You clenched your fists as you let a scream of desperation out.

"You have turned into a real monster, huh?" she spoke as she took a step forward making you take one, backward.

"D-Don't come near me!" you spoke trying to grab anything nearby to your defense.

"Why are you not dead yet, after killing so many?"

"Stop spewing nonsense, and get away!" you shouted as you yanked your hairpin out from your hair letting it fall down to your waist.

"I wish you were dead." she spoke, coming right infront of you.

You felt yourself, being suffocated as her fingers pressed your neck, tight, letting the air leave your lungs. You fluttered your hands to let go as you felt the life leaving your eyes until a sharp yank caused everything to stop.

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