༺ My burning heart༺

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Josephine Pov

I was really starting to get tired of the hospital - the air smelled like death, the food was horrible and I was getting sick of being checked on every five minutes. My body was constant pain, most of the time I'd have my oxygen mask on because I was my lungs were failing me, stupid lungs.

Jobe visited me everyday even though I told him not too because could see that the visits are taking a toll on him because he wasn't used to seeing me so sick. I looked like I'd die any minute from now. I didn't like that he was seeing me in that state, I know I'd cry myself to sleep everyday if I was in his position

Jobe Pov

Today is the day that give Isie the letter I had been writing for the past month. I got to the hospital to find her engrossed in Jane Eyre

"Hey" I said

"Hi" she said while putting her book down

"I missed you"

"You literally saw me yesterday, twenty-four hours hasn't even gone by yet" she laughed

"What can I say, I'm obsessed with you"

"Jobe baby, do you perhaps need me to accompany you to the psychiatrist dowh the hall because your behavior is not normal" she sweetly said

"I'm lovesick. Can the psychiatrist help with that?" I matched her tone

"Maybe. If we ask nicely. Whatcha got there?" she asked after noticing the envelope in my hand

"Nothing" I said, trying to hide the envelope, suddenly feeling too scared to give it to her

"Don't make me get down from this bed and take it from you"

"Okay fine, it's for you, but you have to promise me not to read it until I leave" I said rubbing the nape of my neck

"I promise. Now can you give it to me" she said looking at the envelope which was still in my hand

"Don't read it" I said while handing it to her

She just playfully rolled her eyes at my statement.

"I was watching the sunrise today when I realised that we never got to watch the sunrise and the sunset at the beach" she said

"Yeah, that sucks"

"I have an idea we can go look at the sunset at the rooftop, I mean it's almost the time for it anyway" her eyes were glistening with excitement

"I'll go check with the doctor on whether or not it's okay" I said

"You go do that"

After getting the thumbs up from Dr Davis, we were ready to go. I pushed Isie on her wheelchair. I saw so many pair of eyes watching us with sympathy but Isie didn't seem to notice, she was just focused on the idea of watching the sunset.

After reaching the rooftop, the captivating image of the lavender, orange and pink sky immediately took our breaths away

"This is by far the most beautiful sunset I'd ever seen in my entire life" she exclaimed

"It's not as beautiful as you though" I said

"Stop flirting with me" she grinned

"I can't help it" I winked

We watched the beautiful sky be replaced with a midnight blue blanket so we decided to retreat back to her room.

"So I'll see you tomorrow" we both said in unison.

"Hey, that's my line" I said

"Trust me, I know. You literally say it everyday"

"Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite" I said and pecked her lips

"Who even says that anymore?" she questioned

I left earlier than usual since Jude and my mum were finally coming back to england and I had the task of picking them up at 7 a.m tomorrow.

Josephine Pov

After Jobe left I took the envelope beside me and I studied it - it was beautifully decorated with butterflies all around it and the word "Isie" was written in big bold letters in the middle. It was even sealed with a burgundy vintage wax stamp. I opened the envelope and took out the letter and started reading it...

My darling Isie

I don't really know what to write, I've written so many letters in a attempt to make sure that it is perfect but I don't think I'm ever gonna get it to be perfect. I just want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I've been friends with you since we were in diapers- that's like 17 years ago, doesn't that seem crazy to you? 17 years is not enough though, but what can I do? It is what it is.

When your mom told me that you had cancer and you were dying it felt like somebody had ripped my heart out. I cried and I cried, I cried until my eyes couldn't produce any more tears. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that you were going to leave me oneday, we always said that we would be together forever, that we'd grow old and gray together, but it seemed like the universe had other plans in store for us.

Who is going to quiz me on a hundred fictional characters when you are gone? Who is going to scold me every time I ? Who am I going to spend my summer nights with? Who am I going to love? These questions haunted me everyday, but then I thought about something...Who are you gonna love when you are up there? Who is going to read you poetry? Who is going to be with you all the time? It better be my other self because you are mine, only mine. I know that you are probably laughing at my jealousness but I can't help it okay??

I also want to say thank you. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for believing in me when nobody else did. Thank you for not making me feel inferior to anybody. Thank you for being the best life teacher anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for giving me the privilege of being in love and being loved. Above all, thank you for being you.

I don't think there's a word in the english vocabulary that can describe my feelings towards you, the word love is just not enough but it will just have to do. I love you Josephine and I don't think I'll ever love anyone as much as I love you.

I don't regret our short lived romance because if it's with you, I'd do it over and over again.

I didn't even notice that I was crying until I felt my hospital gown was soaked with my tears. Not even Edgar Allan Poe could top what Jobe wrote. I never thought that he was capable of writing such beautiful words.

Ever heard of the saying "this was the straw that broke the camel's back?" Well this letter was the straw that broke my heart.

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