"You told me it was too late," he said. "Is it because your heart has found another Mikaelson? I did notice you and Elijah seemed quite cozy when I saw you."

You turned and looked at him seriously. "Elijah is my brother, just like Kol, just like Finn," you said. "My heart hasn't found another. I'm not you, Niklaus."

"You're the only one who owns my heart," he said, confused at your statement.

You looked at him, reading his face. You sighed. What had you expected? He would stay celibate for a century just because you had? You owned his heart, he said, but not his body. You could ask, you thought. You could push until he told you, but did you want to know? Could you handle the answer? You sighed and turned back to look down at Elijah once more before closing his coffin gently.

Stefan woke up suddenly and looked around in confusion before his eyes settled on Klaus. "Just give me a chance to explain myself, okay?"

"No need, I'm not mad," Klaus said. "I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think you're holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts, borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. See for myself what it is you've been hiding."

He opened the back of the truck. "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan."

"I'm not holding onto anything, she's wrong," Stefan said.

"Well, we'll just have to see about that, won't we? Sorry, mate, can't have you interfering. This part will have to be done on my own," Klaus said before he sped forward and snapped Stefan's neck again.

He looked over at you. "Stay here, watch him."

"I should come with you," you started to panic. What if he ran into Damon again? "I know Mystic Falls, and the others, they trust me. I'll be more use to you there. Rebekah can watch him."

He eyed you, suspicion filling his face. "No. You will stay here," he said again.

"Klaus," you started.

His look shut you up. "Don't make me snap your neck too, Y/N. Rebekah," he called.

She appeared, her phone still in her hand. "Is it time to begin?"

"Not quite," Klaus said, his eyes not leaving yours. "Stay here, watch them."

Rebekah looked at you in confusion before nodding at her brother. He disappeared, leaving the three of you behind. Rebekah's eyes were still curious as she watched you.

• • •

Rebekah's phone rang shortly after. "What is it, Nik?" she answered. You were sitting beside Kol's coffin. There wasn't much you could do. If it had been anyone else giving the order, you could have convinced Rebekah to let you go. But regardless of her feelings towards him or his actions towards her, she would always side with him. You knew that. You also knew she could easily chase you down. You were old, but she was an Original.

"I found out what Stefan was trying to hide," you heard Klaus say over the phone. "Seems our comrade left out a very important detail indeed. The doppelgänger is still alive and well."

"What?" Rebekah's eyes met yours.

"I'm going to need a bit of motivation to get them to solve my little hybrid issue for me," he said. "Be a dear and get the werewolf for me, will you, little sister? We're at the high school. Can't miss it, biggest building in this little town."

"What should I do about Stefan and...Y/N?" Rebekah said. You saw the suspicion in them.

"Make sure they don't interfere," Klaus said after a moment and hung up.

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