My heart raced in my chest, my vision turning blurry as my eyes darted around the bathroom before landing on the, mirrors above the sink.

In a red liquid which one could only assume as blood were bold, running letters.


My breath came faster, my chest felt tight and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

The room spun around me, making me dizzy.

I felt like crying, like screaming but the emotions were too much.

I stood in a daze before quickly regaining my senses.

With shaky hands, I quickly snapped a picture and ran out the bathroom, clutching my backpack tight.

I ran to the library, hoping to find Adonis.

As I ran through the aisles I bumped into a body.

"Wow Nyx, you okay?" Daniel looked at me worried as he held my shoulders to keep me from falling.

I panted lightly, slightly tired from running.

"I'm fine." I answered absent-mindly, my mind focused on finding Adonis.

"You don't look fine," his brows furrowed as he stopped me from walking, 
"Do you need to go to the nurse's office?" He held a hand to my forehead.

"No, I'm really fine. Thank you though, but I need to go." I held his hand away from my forehead.

"Okay. If you ever need anything just come find me, okay?" He smiled softly.

I smiled back tightly, appreciative for his concern. "I will."

I spotted a black head of hair and patted Daniel's arm before walking over to Adonis.

I snatched the book out his hand to which he simply rose an eyebrow and sat down.

Taking a quick glance to make sure we're alone I began speaking.

"There's another one."

"Another what Sinclair? You've got to be more specific."

"Another body."

His face turned serious and he leaned forward, intrigued. "Where?"

"The girl's bathroom."

"Did anybody see you?"


"Sinclair, did anybody see you?!" he whisper shouted.

"I don't know." I breathed out. "I don't know...I...I just rushed out. I wasn't thinking..I..I dont think so."

"It's fine. " He ran a hand through his hair. "It's fine." he got up and began pacing around the area.

With the way he spoke it sounded like he was trying to reassure himself more than me.

"There were words.." I spoke softly after a moment of silence.


"On the mirror there were words..they, they wrote words."

"Well, what were the words?" he crossed his arms as he eagerly waited for a response.

I took out my phone and showed him the picture of the girl and the mirror.

His breathe hitched slightly as he took in the picture. "That's freaking horrendous."

"This, it's clearly a warning. They know Adonis, they know that we're trying to find them, they know who we are, they're gonna come for us, we...they're gonna get us Adonis we-"

"Hey," he held my shoulders. "They're not going to get you."

"Do you even know that for sure?" a tear slipped down my face.

He let out a breath and sat back down.

"Do you even know that they're not already planning their next move, on how they'll murder us?"

He said nothing as he stared at the floor.

"The school did nothing to solve the first murder. They're no doubt going to cover up all the others. There's nothing we can do Adonis."

An announcement came on the Intercom system, breaking the silence.

"Nyx Sinclair, please report to the principal's office now."

I gasped a breath. "Adonis they know," I cried. "Adonis they-"

"Nyx its fine. They're not going to do anything." he passed me a handkerchief.

I gripped his hand. "Come with me. Adonis I need you to come with me. Please."

He thought about it for a moment before speaking. "Okay. Okay, I'll go with you."

With shaky legs, we left the library and to the office.

I gulped as we walked down the hallway, my heart pounding against my chest, like if it would leap out at any second.

I looked at Adonis as we stood infront of the tall menacing doors.

I nodded once and pushed the huge doors open...


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