23-Home girl

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"What do you think?" Priya spun around and Isyss gave a thumbs up.

Priya walked into the back to change.

Keisha eyed her as Isla chuckled.

"Shut up. I invited her to talk since the whole incident." Isyss explained.

"So she was gay?" Keisha asked and Isla pulled her to the other side of the store.

"Thanks for invitin me out since.. well since everything that happened," Priya walked back out with a small smile.

"I figured we should talk. Well since everything, how have you been?" Isyss asked

"Good, how about you? Again I'm sorry" Priya said and Isyss waved her off.

"It's fine I just wanted to clear the air." Isyss said with a smile.

"I didn't mean to confuse you or complicate things." Isyss admitted and Priya sighed.

"No, I know. Again I am sorry." She looked at her.

"Actually to be honest you're sweet so I feel bad. There's something I need to tell you." Priya swallowed hard.

She was sure Isyss might hate her afterward.

"I get it you're into girls." Isyss said and she nodded.

That wasn't what she was about to say.

"Well, yea but-" Priya started

"I honestly think you're beautiful and maybe if the circumstances were different I'd be interested but I'd really appreciate if we can be friends. I don't have many of those. I see that you could some real ones." Isyss said and they both knew it wasnt to be hurtful.

"I could use a better crowd, huh?" Priya sat down admitting it, not only to Isyss but to herself.

"Yea, but that's okay." Isyss smiled.

"To friends?" Isyss said extending her hand and Priya smiled.

"To friends." She agreed.

"Before-" Priya tried once more to tell Isyss the truth and before she could finish once more she was cut off once more but not by Isyss.

Priya did a double take.

Priya noticed a woman who looked a lot like Isyss approaching making Isyss turn to see what, well who she was looking at.

"Hey." Mari said waving at Isyss.

"Oh hey." Isyss said and Mari smiled back before eyeing Priya.

"I have been running into you a lot lately. We should hang out?" Mari said and Priya looked at her like she was weird.

She completely ignored her, that was probably the beginning of things getting weird.

"I uh-" Isyss started and Priya grabbed her arm.

"We're actually going to be super busy, you know photoshoots and all." Priya said and the way MAri stared at her Isyss could see she had a problem with Priya, without even actually knowing her.

"Yawl ready to go?" Keisha approached with Isla.

Isyss was sure she spotted Mari and had come to her rescue.

"Yea we are." Priya answered as Mari glared at her.

"Hey Mari, I gotta go. Ill see you around." Isyss said and they all headed to check out.

The women headed to the parking lot shortly afterward.

"Welp, I guess you saw your competition." Keisha said and Isyss nudged her as Priya laughed.

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