19- What a pretty face can get you.

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"You can change into this." Dior smiled at Isyss.

"Don't be nervous." She said as Isyss glanced around.

Isyss was in a room with actual models.

"So how long have you and Vibe been a thing?" Dior smirked.

Isyss hated that Mar Rackz was as bout as bad as Vibe when it came to keeping things under wraps.

It didn't help that they were caught in her sister's car on the way back from their late-night trip.

Although her face was hidden his wasn't.

Per usual everyone was trying to confirm who it was.

"And no, Vibe didn't ask me to have you here, I asked him not to say any, but Demarcus and Noemi suggested you, and honestly, you were my choice." Dior tried to reassure her.

A few days had passed since the whole lucky incident.

Vibe's video cleared the air but still Isyss or he hadn't confirmed anything.

She was still off of social media so she was surprised she got a call from Noemi.

She thought it was a prank call and hung up.

Noemi explained Mar Rackz had given her the number and she wanted to have her as a model.

Noemi was starting a line with Dior and apparently, they liked her as a person.

Isyss felt like it was Demarcus sympathizing with her.

The night of Vibe's party he had told her she had made him millions. He offered her a job in management and she declined. She was sure he was practically forcing her to accept an offer. he also knew Noemi was too sweet for anyone to say no to.

"Look I know how Demarcus can be trust me. he's my girl's Godfather." Dior laughed.

"When he sees potential in people, he helps. sometimes he can be.." She searched for the right word.

"Persistent. but like I said he suggested you but I chose and Noemi agreed." Dior smiled at her.

"Plus Vic is actually my husband's cousin, a small world." Dior tried to ease her in as they stood in the private dressing room.

She could see Isyss was nervous.

Dior grabbed her chin and lifted it.

"You got this." She said looking at.

Dior was sure Isyss was one of the prettiest girls there.

To be honest, Vibe had suggested her months ago on something completely different.

It was just now with her shops expanding Dior honestly thought Isyss was a good catch.

Everyone told her how she was shy.

Dior didn't believe it but she was seeing it first hand she was surprised.

"Take a deep breath." She said and Noemi walked in.

"Look at you." Noemi said encouragingly.

"She nervous." Dior said and Noemi walked over to her.

"Not with how your sister acts. No way you are shy." Noemi joked with her.

Isyss couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"It's just so many people... the cameras." She said and they nodded.

"But you'll do fine. Jus act like there are no cameras" Dior said.

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