Liberty City lament || Chapter 1

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I can still remember the day I first stepped foot into America twelve years ago, like it was yesterday

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I can still remember the day I first stepped foot into America twelve years ago, like it was yesterday...  Little thirteen year old me and my father Niko, we lived in Yugoslavia for so long, until one day we hopped onto a boat for seven months. I remember only being a child when we first stepped into Liberty City, our cousin Roman welcoming us with open arms. I still remember all the struggles of getting adjusted to a completely new country, a completely new life. My father fought like hell at even the slightest of a chance for us to live a better life, always telling me how he didn't want me to experience the difficulties and trauma he went through in his own life... And you know what? He always came through in the end.
I always knew my father was right about everything. After all, he was one of the most powerful criminals in Liberty City... Any of the people who tried to fuck with him, and especially me and Roman... He wouldn't let them live long enough to tell the tale.  I always respected the skills my father had in this line of work, even if he had retired from it all many, many years ago.
I felt like I could go down the same path he did successfully. After all, he told me so much about this world, and I was fairly successful in the first few jobs I did. My first few jobs, doing drug deals and such, didn't exactly make me a millionaire, but it was enough to get by, at the very least. I thought I was strong enough to take on any job or heist, but now...? I'm not entirely sure anymore. Maybe I just have bad luck...
...Or maybe I'm just a complete fucking idiot.
Because here I am now, sitting at the desk of a police officer. My hands bound with handcuffs after being forcefully brought here. All I could hear in the silent, small room was the sound of the officer shifting through a bunch of papers, reading the documents intently as he shifted his glasses to read each word. Sitting in this tiny room with the officer, waiting for him to finish reading, without the option to get up and leave... I wasn't even in a jail cell, yet it already felt like I was.
"Trying to rob Claire's Jewels out in Algonquin. Shooting one of the employees in the chest and nearly killing them... Trying to steal two million dollars worth of jewels all by yourself." The officer read his last document out loud, stacking the papers together and setting them down on the desk. The officer shifted his glasses once more, his gaze shifting over to me as he raised an eyebrow. He stared at me silently for a minute, an eyebrow raising as a smirk appeared on his face, as he started chuckling a bit.
"...Are you for real with this shit?" The officer asks. "You actually thought you could rob one of the biggest jewelry stores in Liberty City and get away with it... All by yourself?"
"Gee, I don't know officer... You have your glasses on correctly?" I remarked sarcastically. "You were one of the officers on the scene, moron. You don't need to relay this shit to me and act like you didn't see all of this first hand. Unless you just forgot to clean your glasses or some shit that day."
"Real mature language, miss Bellic." The officer hissed, the tone of his voice getting slightly deeper. "I really don't think it's wise to mouth off to me like this."
"Eat my ass, officer dipshit. You don't scare me-"
WHAM!! The officer suddenly slammed his palm on the desk, knocking a few pencils off the desk as he glared at me with a fierce look, pulling out his gun and aiming it right at my forehead.
"You want your brains splattered all over this wall?" The officer hissed. "Cause I could kill you right now, and get away with it scot free."
...Of course, I'm not surprised a police officer would make a threat like this to me. A part of me still wanted to tell him to fuck off... But my brain told my mouth to stay shut this time, as I only glared up at the officer in response.
"...Heh. That's what I thought." The officer smirked, putting his gun back in his holster as he sat back down.
"...Look, let's be real here. Neither of us like each other and wanna be in this room any longer..." I stated. "So can you just tell me my punishment or whatever, and get this over with?"
"Yeesh, you're impatient. Let's see..." The officer shifted through a few papers, picking one up as he picked up a red pen, writing down on it.
"Alright, miss Sofija Bellic. Your sentence for all your crimes will be...
...5 years in prison. You'll be heading off to the prison first thing tomorrow morning" The officer states, setting his pen and paper back on the desk.
"...You gotta be fucking kidding me." I hissed, anger welling up in me, the officer only smirking back at me.
...Fuck. This was worse than I thought.

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