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Updated Feb 2024 : I did a 360 and rewrote something totally different Sowwy!


(Yanderes males x female ) Split at birth just to be reunited and to be with their lover.

The Back of the book:

Since the boys were Split at birth due to family inheritance situation. Eren a leader of a gang and a business man who doesn't like to show in face to the public and Elios a famous actor with a twisted attitude is reunited after many years.

You as the reader life changes quite suddenly due to a silly incident at the store-


I watched the tv, the famous actor Elios appeared on my screen again. Elios was light skinned with dark brown hair and eyes. He was tall, maybe about 6 feet.

I sighed- "If only I get into acting. I wouldn't mind kissing his face." I traced the screen from a distance since I was sitting on my couch. At my job, all the girls are squealing about Elios, his whole persona in and out of acting is so cute. He's the ideal husband or boyfriend any girl would want. "Why is he single in real life anyways..." I wondered as suddenly my stomach started to growl.

I pouted as I looked toward my kitchen on the other side of the room. I didn't really feel like cooking....


I traveled to a store nearby as I got a bowl of ramen that was the favor --. Nobody could argue with me to eat another bowl when this bowl of -- right here was the best out of them all.
I paid for my bowl, and a bottle of water. I poured some water into the bowl then placed it in the microwave that the store had. I was pleased greatly as the smell from the sauce inside the bowl-
I lick my lips and did a little dance in front of the microwave before sliding towards the window. My stomach couldn't wait a second longer but I pet it to calm down its growling.
I looked back up in the next moment-
I notice a tall male maybe around 6 feet walking towards the short steps that lead into the store. He looked suspicious since he had a hate on with a mask. I hope it's not some dumb robber. As poor as I am, I don't need them to steal anything from me.

The entrance of the store opens as jingles of the bells on top of the door which alerted the cashier. The cashier says "hello" to the customer as the male bows his head in respect before walking around the store looking for whatever they needed.
Just in time my bowl of ramen was finished and I rushed to go get happily. As I opened the microwave, the aroma and warmth of the tasty noddle bowl blows right into my face.

The heat from the bowl was hurting my finger as I turned suddenly as me and the male figure bumped into each other-!
He must've been coming around the aisle as I was turning too quickly. "Oh-" I felt my body get grabbed towards the male figure as my soup slips out of my hands.
"Are you alright?" He asked me as I stared at him for the moment before staring down at my soup.
"No-!" This moment was when I felt my soul breaking down. All I could see is the bowl slipping out of my hands as I dropped on the ground.
"No-!" I cried out as this tragedy lays out before me. "Can't you watch where you going?!"

"What?" I looked up annoyed at the male who was taller than me. His dark brown eyes stared down at me. "You bumped into me jack-ass!" I yelled back at him while poking him in his chest as he looked at my hand poking him. "You ruined a perfectly full bowl of ramen!" He snatches my hand and throws it down. "How dare you touch me?! I could sue you for assault!"

"And I will sue you for killing my ramen!" That when finally the cashier comes over. The commotion of us yelling at each other must've finally alerted them. "Miss? Sir please don't argue." The male turns towards the employee as he holds out his phone. "I would like to have that footage of me and her." The employee shakes their head as i reapproach the male and hold out my phone.

"Me too! I want to make a police report about this man being a killer!" Suddenly something must've trigger him, he grabs my shirt and pulls me closer towards him. "What? What did you say?" Someone his dark brown eyes were glowing red towards me. This made my stomach uneasy as I stared back quietly into his eyes. I take a deep breath as I managed to push him off of me. "You murder my ramen! You jerk and now you put your hands on me?!" I pounce on his like a cat as we struggled against each other.


We pulled and hit each other as in the next moments we were sitting in the police station. I pouted and shook my head as the cop looks between the both of us as if we were crazy. "I'll like to press charges."

"No! I would like to press charges!" I argued back as we turn to look as each other. Glaring at each other hard. "You two must be related." The cop suggested as I turned back. "Related? As if! If he was my brother I would've put him in his place a long time ago!" I yelled at the cop. "Sir, this woman need to be placed in the mental hospital for what she did to me."

"You-" The cop slaps his hand on his desk- "You two better stop arguing or I'll put you behind those bars for the night." I 'ahemed' myself as I looked away annoyed. "Now if you two are really sure that you want to press charges, I need your names and births." I nodded to answer first- "Never mind, I don't need this incident popping up in the news." I closed my mouth as I looked back towards the male. "You aren't that important to end up on the news."

The male rolls his eyes, "Little do you know." he says as I roll my eyes and leaned back in my seat. "Well it seems that this young lady would want to press charges still. I still need your information as well as your picture."

"There's no need for that." Two males walk into the police station and stands closely nearby us. One male was pale skin with glasses and a nice suit on while the other had a dark blue suit on and a mask with a character face on it. I blinked at the both of them confused. "Eren? How did you know I was here?" The male stood as I turned to look at him as this Eren person raised his finger to the mask lips as Eren pointed towards me. "Why are you bullying my brother?" The male spoke as I pointed at myself as I stood. "A B...Bully? Me?!"

"Um who are you?" I turn to look at the cop as he stood and looked at us confused. All the cops at this point was staring at us. This situation is getting a bit too wild. "Sir," the male in the grey suit gives the cop a card. "This is Eren Krause; the leader of Krause Group (known as the famous multinational business company but Krause Group is known to be a gang who almost basically runs the city) and his little brother Elios Krause." My eyes widen as Elios sighs and removes his mask and his hat. "No-!" The brothers stare at me intensely.

Make sure to vote on this story, it lets me know if I should keep updating. See you soon! ~ T.A.B

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