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Allies heart stopped as the sound of the thud echoed in her ears. "COLE" I scream rushing to his side, I see the Walter family running in my direction."George, Katherine I don't know what happened the horse just threw him off" Panicking, I sit back scrunching my hair up.George is shaking Cole "Cole wake up" he checks his heartbeat is still beating

Katherine says "Kids get the animals in their barns" She looks up at them and they're standing there shocked "Now!" she yells, they do as she says 

"Allie, Katherine help him up'll get the car around" George says "I'll call the hospital, just say here try to wake him up."

We help him up struggling with the weight and barely can see anything as the rain gets stronger.
George brings the car around Katherine and I get him in the backseat as we buckle him in and Ourselves in. I look at Cole my mascara dripping both from the rain and crying.

7:00 pm: The hospital is getting X-rays done as Katherine George and I are sitting in the room I speak up "You know my mom is a retired doctor she could perform surgery on him, she was the best doctor in Canada for 5 years" George and Katherine look at each other "Just see what the doctor says and ask them"The doctor comes out after a few minutes letting Katherine and George know that the surgery they will have to perform is going to be very difficult and it is a bit of a risk performing it as he never had to deal with these types of injuries before.

Katherine is quietly talking to the doctor and points to me I get up asking what's going on
Katherine tells me that she's told me about my idea of bringing in my mom.

 The doctor asked what my mom's name was, and I said, Rebecca Hayes. He seems well aware of the name and says yes of course we're just going to have to keep him here till your mom can come.

I called my mom and asked her, she's heisted on the idea but agreed the earliest she could come is tomorrow (Monday) at 7:00 am.

I get ready to go to bed early (10:00 pm) tonight hair, putting three drops of lavender scent in my diffuser to try to calm me down, do a face mask, light a candle, have a vintage movie on in the background, doing all these things to relax me but all I can think about Cole. I'm sitting at my vanity starting at myself all these thoughts rushing through my head and then I get a thought
should I sneak out to see Cole for someone who isn't sure of her feelings for someone but is willing to sneak out to see a person I think it speaks the type of feelings you have for them. I think but I try to convince myself that Cole and I could never be together it just wouldn't work.
but I still I decided to sneak out
I put on a shirt
(the outfit)

I tiptoe through the dimly lit hallways trying to find the Coles room I see it and the end of the hallway and I walk quickly to it opening the door and squeezing my way through the door, quietly closing the door as my eyes meet Cole starting to wa...

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I tiptoe through the dimly lit hallways trying to find the Coles room I see it and the end of the hallway and I walk quickly to it opening the door and squeezing my way through the door, quietly closing the door as my eyes meet Cole starting to wake he looked so out of it.

Its only temporary, right? Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now