Chaos Chores

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Sunday 7:30 am

 I wake up hearing a plate being smashed and Benny crying. I go downstairs scratching my messy hair as I walk into shouting and everyone running around.

 I tried to talk to Katherine but kept getting cut off as Katherine was racing around and wasn't really interested and too distracted to talk, I saw her holding all this cleaning equipment and old baggy towels. I leave her awkwardly looking back confused as I walk into the kitchen I feel a plate hit my stomach stopping me from walking forward I see Cole handing me the plate "Hey" he says I sigh "Hi" he drapes his arm around my shoulder casually as he walks me over to the door leading out to the porch as he opens the door for me he says "Welcome to the once-a-month-Sunday madness"

 Smiling and looking down from behind me. I sit down tucking my chair that's opposite Coles in confusion "Wait what" Cole begins to speak but Nathan says "Every month we set aside one Sunday to clean all the animals, their pens, fix up the garden, mow the lawns, blah blah, so if you had plans today you have to cancel when it comes to this day Katherine does not care if you have plans or anything you have to be here" 

I nod "The only thing is you get to do your jobs in pairs so Katherine puts all of our names into a bowl and we go around the table and you get to pick out a name for whoever you get stuck with" I feel Cole looking at me grinning

 "you gonna really hope to get George he does all the mowing of the land so if you get paired with him you get to ride around on this like cool machine thing. 

So far Benny and Parker keep getting George." Danny says. I nod again and see Katherine come out "George, we're ready!" she yells, George comes out holding Benny with a box of tissues trying to stop Benny from his tantrum. 

We go around the table Benny gets to pick first and he gets George I look down,

 Issac picks next and he gets Lee they dab each other up but Katherine assigns them to clean out the animal's pens and they groan.

 Parker chooses next and gets Danny and they get to pull out weeds and plant flowers. 

Next is my turn, I smile as I put my hand into the bowl I unfold the paper seeing Coles's name I say "Cole" he gets up from his seat clapping his hands together and screams "Let's go" he goes to give a two-hand high five and I high five awkwardly back.

Everyone is looking at Cole weirdly and then I hand the bowl to Alex who gets Nathan and Katherine who have to clean out the pool and give the animals tablets.

 Everyone goes to where they need

and I quickly get to my room to get ready

 to go Cole and I go back and take trips getting buckets of water and we start washing the horses, were having fun I had to grab the hose and sprayed a little of Cole, he stops washing the horse and looks at me, I act like nothing happen a little ...

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 to go Cole and I go back and take trips getting buckets of water and we start washing the horses, were having fun I had to grab the hose and sprayed a little of Cole, he stops washing the horse and looks at me, I act like nothing happen a little smile appears on my face. 

The horses started getting a little out of control neighing and moving more around while Cole was hosing one down trying to wash down the horse water splashed onto my body I looked up at him "Hey!" he laughed "Sorry he keeps moving around" he whispers "maybe it was just to get you back" I look back and smirk at him.

 Once we finished washing the horses I led them outside so they could dry off. I close the gate and suddenly Cole decides to pour a bucket of water all over me I turn around my shoulder tense and I'm gasping looking up at him he's smirking "Your on" I say playfully and I run off to find the hose,

 I come back and I see Coles gone. I look around for him and I get turned around and the hose is taken off me Cole was pulling me in so I couldn't get away he starts spraying me again I'm successful with turning the hose on him spraying him and getting away laughing. 

He gasps he starts chasing me into the house I get up to the bathroom and I see him coming up before I close the door I say quickly "Sorry ladies first" and close the door. I

 come downstairs after my warm shower I see that Cole is sitting on the island in the kitchen, He is soaked, his hair wet, and his shirt soaked to his skin, he hops off the bench and says "Finally" he comes right near me and gliding his hands on my waist and plants a soft kiss on my cheek and walks upstairs. 

I'm still so confused I always like to see the good in people but I don't know if this is game to him or is he being pure. 

After ten or so minutes he comes down scuffing his hair with a towel his belt is not properly on he goes to belt himself up and asks "Those horses should be dry wanna go ride around?"

 I get up from my seat "Can you" looking down at his leg "Uhh I should be alright they don't usually get aggressive or restless or anything so let go" he grabs my hand pulling me to where the horses are running around.

 We rode around, and after a bit, we got off to rest, we lay in the field his tan muscular arm touching mine as we looked into the sky. I let the skin kiss my skin and feeling at peace suddenly Cole taps me "You're in" and jogs off hiding somewhere. 

"Cole I'm not doing this" I lift my head up to see him gone "Cole" I get up feeling anxious "Cole!" I go downhill a little bit trying to find him and suddenly arms wrapped around my waist from behind I grab his hands away from me and turn around acting mad and upset his smile turns into a concerned look as he steps closer and whispers "Hey I was joking" as he as about to pull me into a hug I tap him and run off I hear him scream "Hey! That's not fair" he jogs after me I get back to the top of the hill waiting for him 

"You so slow" I laugh I put my hands up feeling free and I see him come up, he hugs me and spins me around were both laughing as he puts me down I touch his arms to have some more support. 

he cups my cheek leaning down to kiss me but I grab his hand and start jogging off as we run downhill I let go of his hand and start doing cartwheles feeling as free as ever, and he laughs. and sits down, Im laying infront of him and he asks me "What was it look at home" 

"It was great my dad was flying in and out for work but my mom retired early so I spent more time with her. She would do everything for me, drive me to friends' places, pick me up from school early, bring fast food home, take me ice skating, and all my other sports, she would pick up magazines cause she knows I love fashion all that stuff" I sigh

 "what you do ice skating?" "you know there's a rink here?" I nod "Yeah I asked Katherine about it she said we should talk about it but things have been so busy for her lately that maybe ill ask her tonight" 

"well yeah you gotta show me all your moves, teach me some" he smiles " Maybe some time I shrug "let's get going," 

Cole says "Mom is probs just finishing up and then she will cook dinner so we should be home for that and it looks like a storm could be coming in". We start riding and it begins to drizzle a few minutes into the rain the horses start to get a bit restless more Coles than mine.

 Coles's horse starts riding in front of mine Coles's horse starts to be jumpier at this point were back at the Walters residence just a little bit off from their house. Cole's horse makes an unexpected move, causing him to lose balance. In an instant, Cole is off the horse, landing with a massive thud and a lightning strike.

Its only temporary, right? Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now