Boxes, Books, and Bonding by the Water Hole part two!

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I run outside and bump into Cole strong chest "Alls what are you doing?" he laughs I push him to walk backward "Where Issac?" I ask "Oh I dropped him off at the mall so he could hang out with his friends, why?" I tell "Lee just snitched on Issac hooking up with girls in school"

Cole nods "Oh yeah we gotta go, get in" I listen to him and Cole starts driving away from the Waters' home.

4:25 pm: The car is pretty silent I mostly go on my phone texting friends Cole occasionally looks over at my phone to see what I'm doing Cole gives in smacking his lips "Alls I'm sorry about this morning"

I look up from my phone "Oh that's ok I was just a little stressed but guess whatt" I turn to face him Cole smiles in comfort that it's not awkward and asks "Whattt" in a girly voice

I smile at him and say "I made friends! They're so nice and like really get my vibe and their sense of fashion ugh so good!" I sit back in my seat and he says "Oh yeah?" I reply "Yep" "Cole where are you taking me or are we just driving around this is pretty boring" Cole smirks, glancing at you with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Boring, huh? Well, we can't have that lucky we're here" he goes to reach the door handle and looks up at me and we both get out he starts walking down. I hug my sides confused about where we're at until I see the beautiful blue water rushing through the stream.


 "So you got any other siblings back home?" Cole asks I look around before answering not really wanting to answer "Uh yeah she moved out" twisting the truth "She's 17" I see Cole's confused look I quickly ask "So Is It safe to swim in this water?" He replies "Not in this area but I can show you where you can we just got to walk through the forest a little" he points over into the area covered with trees "Wanna check it out?" I look around and reply "Sure"

"Hold on ill call my mom tell her was gonna be late for dinner don't want her mad at another kid today," Cole tells me and I nod he dials and puts his phone to his ear and puts his hands out to help me up. as I go to grab them he pulls his hands back and then puts them out again I quickly grab them kind of annoyed. as he pulls me up his mom answers and he begins to explain to Katherine.

Katherine is okay with us being home late so we start walking through the woods and after a few minutes we stop and he points to the left here. He moves to walk behind me. "Most Kids don't know about this place just my family and I and a few other people"

 I see there's a rope so you can swing off it and jump into the water.

"You wanna go a little later you know little swim before it gets too dark? Cole asks I get a little spooked about the idea and he notices "We can go another day or whatever the water is safe no animals in it or anything" he steps closer "Alls we will get home before it even gets dark dont worry" he places his hand on my shoulder doing the thumb thing AGAIN.

I breathe and say "Ok so let's go home and eat something" Cole then says "My mom will be ok with it don't worry" I say "Alright" and we start walking back

 (this is how to imagine what it looked like)

 (this is how to imagine what it looked like)

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 6:25 pm: After eating dinner I'm lying on my stomach doing a little homework while drinking a milkshake and Cole knocks on my door and comes in "Ready to go" he smiles I close my books and say "Yes" excitedly he chuckles. We're driving through the evening Cole and I are the silence is not awkward and we arrive. we walk down. he asks "You ready?" he grins pulling off his shirt and running the rope and dropping into the water.

I smile seeing how fun it is. he floats up the surface of the water touching his face and running his fingers through his hair. I look at him his hazel eyes glistening as he watches me.

I take off my shirt and wriggle out of my skirt taking out my hair and letting it sit on my shoulder (this is what I imagine her wearing and the bikini I choose)

I take off my shirt and wriggle out of my skirt taking out my hair and letting it sit on my shoulder (this is what I imagine her wearing and the bikini I choose)

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oblivious to the fact that Cole is mesmerised looking me up and down. "Get in the water!" he yells I look at him and then at the rope and I start running to it and jump off right near him "Ahh" I say "its Cold Cole!" He smiles looking down into my dark blue eyes I say "What?" before going underwater and moving my body like a mermaid.

Coles POV: before I answer I watch her swim away the sun glistening on her hair underwater made it look so shiny it looked like a halo.

Back to Allies Pov:: As we swim around I talk about how I'm settling into a new setting. I ask about school/grades and he says "Hold that thought" he swims to the shore and gets out I'm puzzled by what he's doing but seeing his back muscles makes me blush a little.

I watch him pick up his clothes and start to leave my sight I yell "Cole!" suddenly scared when his presence is not around I swim to the shore and see Cole come back running drop his clothes and swing around on the rope to fall into the water. I feel annoyed but I know he only did that to avoid answering that question so I smile knowing what to say next I say "Hey" I splash water into him looking up at him "You didn't answer my question" he replies "Who says I have to answer" "ugh" I start walking out of the water and grab my clothes and he follows he comes behind me put his arms around me to steal the clothes in my hands. "OK, I'll answer you, I just failed another test, and I'm not passing many classes thinking of doing summer school honestly.

I look at him doe-eyed I offer my help "The schools back in Canada used to give me your grade type of work" he laughs "Alright might want your help but I'll let you know when I want it" he says and I nod. He looks up into the sky and says it's time to go.

We drive back and I roll down the window and put my head outside the window to feel the breeze through my hair. Everything feels good. 


9:47 pm: I am laying in my bed and staring at the ceiling when I hear Katherine come in "Hey love, sorry about this afternoon I wanted to have girl talk but well you know what happened with Lee and Issac but let's chat if you're not too tired you had a good day, made any friends, Danny told me what Cole did to your timetable he can be an idiot sometimes."

I tell her about Gemma and Lara and how I want to join the sewing club and I ask if everything is okay with Issac and Lee.

She tells me that everything Is okay with the brothers after the 10 minutes of yelling war they were playing video games and all is good again. relieved to hear we chat for a few minutes and I get a call from Daniel (bsf from back home) Katherine lets me be and says goodnight.

I'm laughing on the phone with Daniel and I don't see Cole walk past who was about to say goodnight when he sees me on the phone laughing he feels a twinge of jealousy and is eager to know who's on the other line he hears me say how much I miss this person on the phone and he walks to his room and he thinks to himself why have I not brought this person up, is it my boyfriend? he was a little mad at Allie now wanting to not talk to her tomorrow or any time soon when that's all he wanted to do 30 seconds ago.

Hope you enjoyed part two!

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