Flowers n stuff...

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It's Saturday at 5:40 am

(pic of what she's wearing)

I walk downstairs the my feet hit the cold floor boards I can barely sleep so I go to make myself some warm milk I look around while putting up the mug of milk In the microwave I hear footsteps I turn and see it Danny a blanket wrapped around his ...

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I walk downstairs the my feet hit the cold floor boards I can barely sleep so I go to make myself some warm milk I look around while putting up the mug of milk In the microwave I hear footsteps I turn and see it Danny a blanket wrapped around his shoulders.

"Hey what are you doing up" I ask

"Oh I stay up and watch TV sometimes just like the quiet, you can't sleep?" he asks

"Yeah something like that" I tell him and the microwave beeps I turn to take the mug out

"Well the TV is all yours if you wanna use it" he says I tell him thanks

I live in a quiet, cold, dark kitchen I'm looking outside, the trees blowing in the wind and the dark blue the early morning is painting.

I go to sit down and put on some random old vintage movie which usually helps me sleep.

I rest my eyes for what seemed like 10 minutes and suddenly I feel this weight wrapped around me snuggling into my neck.

I see it's Cole snoozing away and I see the sun come through the window. I hear someone running down the stairs, I quickly remove Coles's arms that are tightly around me shove him away and pretend I'm sleeping. Cole wakes up his hair all messed up and his eyes barely are opened when Benny starts jumping on the couch. I pretend to wake up, and I see Cole getting Benny to stop and tell him to go back to his room. he says "Good morning" in a sleepy voice I get up and he follows touching my lower back

"All you forgive me?"

Just then Katherine rushes upstairs her hair up in a messy bun and her work clothes on she sees us "Oh good you two are up tell everyone I had to go to work emergency allie I have a job for you'll text u it in a few hours when I get a chance, ok see ya"

he looking at me still wanting an answer, I pretend to forget and go up to my room feeling him watching me walk away.


10:20 am

I get a text from Katherine asking me to go into town just to get some flowers, ribbons for Parkers' games, and some lunch for the kids and then asks me to also go into town early tomorrow to get some fruits, Cole should be able to give you a ride and I should be home around the same time you get back.

I get ready

( what she's wearing/hair/makeup)

 and I procrastinate on asking Cole for a ride but I know I have to cause George is taking care of the kids and Danny is too busy with scripts I think

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 and I procrastinate on asking Cole for a ride but I know I have to cause George is taking care of the kids and Danny is too busy with scripts I think.

as I'm finishing makeup I yell "Cole!" I hear someone coming up the stairs and open the door, Cole stands at the door "Yeah?" He asks

"Um do you mind driving me into town to get some things, Katherine asked me to get? I would've asked Danny but I think he is going over the scripts"

 "Sure" he says going to sit on my bed and sees I'm not wearing any shoes holds them and asks to put them on for me since I'm busy doing my hair, I nod turn my chair to face him and put my feet up he gently puts my shoes in as I'm struggling to untangle my hair.

 he tugs my strings tightly I look at him and we both laugh.

He ties both of my shoes making bows and looks at me, he stands up and softly says "Here let me do it"

My hair was untangled in seconds and I got up from my chair and said thanks. we go downstairs and he opens to car door for me I get in and closes the door for me. I smile looking down and I see him get into the driver seat, he puts his hand on my thigh for a split second and takes it off 

and hears Danny's voice "Hey guys can I come?" he hops in looking excited for an answer, I look at Cole and see him clench his jaw and grunts a "Sure".

Once we get into town Danny and I go to get ribbons for Parker and Cole to order lunch, after a few minutes we check out and we meet Cole outside of the place where he ordered the food Cole speaks up 

"Hey, Danny can you take my spot to wait for the food, Mom told me which flowers she would like,  Allie lest go he touched my back and we started walking off before Danny could answer. he slowly moves his hand to my Lower back as we turn out of Danny's view.

We get to the flower shop and I say "soo what flowers does Katherine want" "Uhh I dont know" he replies shrugging his shoulders I look down smiling.

We're on opposite sides of the flower stands and Cole says "What about these" he puts these dark blue flowers in my face, and I laugh

 "No I think Katherine will like these better" I point to light pink and white flowers "they remind me of home" he comes around gliding his hand on my lower back and standing close and he asks why I tell him it how my parents meet my dad and my grandma were selling flowers and my mum asked for those, they had them at there wedding, there are about 5 bunches of them in vases around the house. 

"Ok let's get them then he grabs them from me and pays for it. were walking down the aisle to leave the store I was about to put a hand around Coles's bicep but we saw Danny Instead of feeling embarrassed I ran to him "I'm starving" I dug my hands into the bag finding some fires. "oh look at the flowers we got" Cole lifts them showing them off and I laugh.

Its only temporary, right? Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now