Chapter 32: Introducing Everyone

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The doorbell goes and Jisung gets up, he opens the door seeing Minho, his mother, Chan and Felix's mother, "Hi! Merry Christmas! Come in, come in! Welcome to our home!"

The four walk in and Jisung reminds them to take off their shoes and put on the slippers there.

Once they are sorted, Jisung walks in, "In the kitchen, we have my brother Sungjin hyung and my friend, Changbin. But they are cooking, so you will meet them properly over dinner, is that okay?"

The women smile, "Of course!"

Minho's mum leans onto Felix's mum, "I absolutely hate anyone disturbing me while cooking"

"Me too", Felix's mum agrees.

They walk into the living room and Felix jumps up, "Mum!"

He hugs his mother, "I missed you so much!"

"Me too, my son!"

They end the hug then he looks at Minho's mum, "Mrs Lee! I missed you too!"

Felix guides the women to sit down on the chairs Younghyun brought for the dining room, "Here you go, right beside each other!"

"Are we the last ones to arrive?", Felix's mum asks.

Jisung answers, "Oh, no! That would be our father, he had business to attend to so he will be a little late"

"Okay, so tell us about yourselves. Whose who? What do you guys do?", Minho's mum says, "Do you guys do college or do youse work?"

"Who wants to go first?"

Felix's mum suggests, "What about the oldest and go from there?"

Younghyun's eyes widen and he sits up, "Oh! Um, I'm Kang Younghyun and I'm 30 years old. I'm a doctor and Sungjin in the kitchen is my fiancé"

Every parent loves to hear that someone is a doctor.

"Ohhh! You're a doctor! What hospital do you work for?", the two women eyes their sons.

"Oh, actually I work for your son, Mrs Bang"

"Oh, so not really a doctor?"

"No, no, I did my 7 years of medical school. I have all the same degrees and qualifcations as doctors in hospitals, I just work in a college"

"Okay, good for you"

Younghyun looks at Hyunjin and nods at him.

Hyunjin sits up, "Ah, its my turn. Hi, I am Hwang Hyunjin and I am 21 years old", he points to Yeji, "She is my twin sister".

He then points to Seungmin, "He is my wonderful boyfriend of 6 years"

"Wait, your Hwang? And your sister is called Yeji are you guys The Hwang Twins?"

"Yep", the twins say together, "We are"

Felix's mum says, "She is actually wearing a coat from your newest line"

Minho's mum nods, "Yes, and it is absolutely divine"

Hyunjin says, "I thought it looked familiar"

Yeji smiles, "Thank you very much"

The women look at Yeji, "Tell us a bit more about you"

"Oh, I'm Hwang Yeji as you know. I'm 21 as well. This is my girlfriend, Shin Ryujin, this isn't public yet as someone people have different reactions to wlw relationships compared to reactions to mlm relationships", she says but she is getting awkward, "Um, this is my friend group. Shin Yuna, Lee Chaeryeong and Choi Jisu but call her Lia"

"Lovely names girls", they look at Lia, "Is Lia your english name?"

"Yes", she smiles then says in english, "Hi, my name is Julia. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, Julia"

"Where did you learn english?"

"I lived in Toronto, Canada for a bit in my childhood"

Younghyun makes a noise and everyone looks at him, "You lived in Canada?!"

"Yeah, why hyung?"

"Oh, sorry. I lived in Toronto as well! Granted for only a couple of years when I was tiny, I stayed with family"

Felix's mum asks, "What is your english name?"

"Oh, um, Brian Kang ma'am"

"Lovely name, Brian"

Felix's mum then claps her hands, "Whose next?"

Jisung puts his hand up, "That would be me, miss"

"And what is your name?"

"I'm Han Jisung. I'm 21. A Maths and Music Major. Um, Younghyun hyung, Sungjin hyung, Seungmin and Hyeongjun-ah are my brothers.  My english name is Peter. ", he tries to think of other things and subconciously looks at who Minho, who nods.

"Um, mum?"

Minho's mum looks at him, "Yes, son? What is the matter? Wait, is he the guy you always are talking about?"

Jisung goes red and giggles, "Oh my. You always talk about me?"

Minho is scundered, "Mum! But, yes Jisung is my boyfriend"

She stands up and goes to Jisung, smiling, "You make my boy happy, that's all I ask for. Welcome to the family, son"

Jisung smiles, "Thank you, ma'am"

The woman smiles, "Oh, no need to that. Just call me mum"

Jisung freezes as he has never called anyone mum. It was always mother, and she was mean. Hopefully, this mum will be nicer, "Oh, um, okay mum?"

"That's better", she pats his arm then goes back to her seat.

"Whose next?"

Felix looks at Jeongin, who shakes his head, "One of the ones beside you, mum"

The women look at Hyeongjun and Seungmin, who smile at them, "Oh my lord, you two are just precious, aren't youse?"

"Thank you, ma'am", they both say and Seungmin gestures to Hyeongjun to introduce himself first.

"Okay, hi I'm Han Hyeongjun. The youngest Han at 20 years old. I'm the youngest brother of Younghyun hyung, Sungjin hyung, Jisung hyung and Seungmin hyung. I can't eat spicy food well"

"Well, hello Hyeongjun"

Hyeongjun smiles, "Hi, ma'am"

They look at Seungmin, "And what about you?"

"My name is Oh Seungmin and I'm 20 as well, I know everyone through Hyeongjunnie".

The boys decide against revealing their relationship cause if they did and it went public, they would have to leave the band and they don't want that.

"And you are just adorable aren't you?"

Hyeongjun smiles, "He has always been famous in his hometown since elementary school due to his visuals"

"Well, we can see why", the older women say.

"Why, thank you mesdames"

"Of course!"

Just as they were about to ask about Jeongin, the door opens revealing Mr Han. The Han brothers get up and run to their dad, while shouting, "Dad!"

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