Chapter 31: Christmas

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The mother was found the next day and everyone was feeling better and safer once the call came telling them about it. Felix and Changbin were told when they got home. Felix had given Jeongin the stuff he bought before everything was told.

It is currently 5:30am on the 25th of December and Seungmin is currently sleeping in his own bed, he continously kept on reassuring himself that Jisung is just down the hall and that he is safe and away from that woman.

He himself is feeling better, nothing charges him like Hyunjin and his hugs.

Everyone slept until 7:40 am as Younghyun said he was coming over with the turkey at 8:00am so they gotta get up and get ready.

They were sitting in the living area just relaxing and just coming round as it is early, and the doorbell rings. Jisung gets up and goes over to the door, and he opens it, "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!", the four say back.

Younghyun has the ham and Sungjin has the turkey. Hyeongjun and Seungmin have got the presents. They walk in and the older two go into the kitchen, and the younger two go to the living area and puts the presents with the others, which are in a corner by the tv.

"We're going to open them after dinner, after everyone arrives."

Hyeongjun and (Oh) Seungmin look at (Kim) Seungmin, "Who else is coming?"

(Kim) Seungmin chuckles at their synchronicity then says, "The girls, Jisung's boyfriend and his mother. Then Jeongin's boyfriend -"

Felix interrupts, "Seungmin, sorry to jump in there but my mother is coming with Minho hyung's mother, Chan hyung is riding with them"

(Oh) Seungmin looks at Jeongin, who is in their hoodie hugging themself in the corner of the sofa, "Did you know about your boyfriend's mother coming and you forgot to tell us? Or did you think there'd be enough food and you could sneak her in to the dinner?"

"Woah, Seungmin. Where'd that come from?", Felix asks, "If there is anyone you should be getting at, its me. She's my mother"

"But Jeongin has been texting his boyfriend like every hour and he didn't think to tell us that he would be bringing his mother"

Felix looks at Jeongin who is punching his leg, and goes over to them, "Jeongin, buddy can breathe and stop punching yourself?

Jeongin looks up with tears in their eyes and Felix nods, "Okay, okay. Its okay", he gently takes Jeongin's hand and opens it, holding it.

"I didn't know. I didn't know Chan was bring your mother to dinner", Jeongin's voice comes out barely above a whisper, "Please believe me"

"Its okay, I believe you", Felix smiles then looks at Seungmin, "They didn't know. I think it was meant to be a surprise for Jeongin so he could meet mum, so don't take it out on them. They are already going through some stuff, don't add to it"

"Sorry, Jeongin. I've been stressed, I did not mean to take it out on you", Seungmin sighs softly.

Jeongin nods.

Sungjin's voice is hears from the kitchen, "As it is 8am, youse have 5 and an half hours until dinner is served alright? So if youse want to get drinks and all that, get them now because nobody except for Changbin and I are allowed in the kitchen."

Everyone gets up and gets out the drinks and glass, and appetizers such as a cheese board with crackers. They place on the cupboard in the dining room.

Changbin kisses Felix as it will be the last kiss he will get for the next 5 hours unless Sungjin and him take breaks from being in the kitchen.

Sungjin's voice comes through again, "About half an hour before we serve dinner, I will shout to let you guys get ready with the table"

The christmasses they have at the apartment, they have to move the living room furtinure into the bedrooms as they need a bigger table as their current table sits four people so they have a spare table in their storage.

Younghyun shouts back, "Alright, love!"

Jisung asks, "Should we get changed into nice closthes like our guests?"

"Yeah, we should"

The 5 boys stand up and go to their rooms to get changed.

They come back out after a while because they wanted to look their best especially cause its Hyeongjun's boyfriend's, Jisung's boyfriend's, Jisung's boyfriend's mother's, Jeongin's boyfriend's and Felix's mother's first time having dinner with them so they want a good first impression.

Hyunjin comes out first and he, of course, is wearing his YSL suit. Then Seungmin comes out with a like a three piece suit but its like a casual suit as well. Then Jeongin comes out in a full black suit, hoping it covers any indication of a fem body. Jisung comes out in a suit that compliments his tiny waist.

Felix comes out a bit after Jisung, he comes out in a white sweater with red writing on it and black trousers. He decided to wear something christmassy as his mother will be on his case if he didn't. His mother takes christmas very seriously.

When Younghyun sees Felix's outfit, he high fives him, "Yes! Finally someone dresses for a christmas dinner!"

"Well, my mother is catholic so she would be on my case all night oh! And for a heads up, since my mother is catholic she will be wanting to pray at dinner, would that okay with youse?"

Younghyun shrugs, "I mean, it wouldn't hurt to indulge her just this night, right? As long as she doesn't sprew righteous christian bullshit"

"Ah! No, she isn't like that! She supports mine and Chan hyung's sexualities! Its my father father you need to be worried about but he isn't coming. Minho's mother is okay as well, don't worry!"

"Okay, we won't worry. Breathe Felix, everything will be okay"

Felix nods then goes and sits beside Jeongin, who is eating a bunch of crackers. They relax and watch tv until the others come. Which was for about for 2 hours, the girls arrived first as they are only down the hall, then Minho, Chan and their mothers.

Sungjin allows Changbin to run and get changed so he is dressed appropriately for guests as he was still in pjs.

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