Chapter 34: Preparing for Christmas Dinner

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"And what's that, Mother?", Chan is panicking.

"Eh, doesn't mind", Mrs Bang shrugs and sits back down, "Don't mind me".

"Mother, you can't just do that", Chan scolds her, "You gave all of us heartattacks"

"Sorry about that", she makes a face and puts her hands up.

Sungjin calls out from the kitchen, "You guys can start moving the furniture now!"

Seungmin stands up, "Right! Can I get someone help me to get our bigger table out?"

Chan volunteers, "I'll help."

"Alright, who else?"

Yeji and Ryujin stand up and say, "We'll help as well"

"Okay, Jisung you know what to do while we get the table?", Seungmin and the rest of them leave once they hear Jisung confirm that he knows what to do.

Jisung looks at everyone else, "Alright, we gotta move the furniture into the bedrooms to make room. Yuna, Chaeryeong, Lia, Hyeongjun and Seungmin you sort out the sofa and coffee table. You did it last year - Seungmin they will show you what to do, okay?"

"Ok, hyung"

Those five get the sofa sorted, then Jisung turns to the rest of them, "Minho and Hyunjin, you move the dining table into Felix's room"

They start lifting the table and moving it into Felix's room.

"Younghyun hyung, Felix and Jeongin, get the chairs from the storage." He turns to the parents, "So how this works is Sungjin hyung tells us an hour before so we can get the table up here and set, don't worry we have the usual christmas table stuff. Hyunjin even made little name cards and Seungmin has made a seating chart where everyone sits"

"Okay, is there anything we can do to help?"

"No, everyone has done everything there is needed to do", Jisung says then looks at the drink bar, "Shoot! I knew we were forgetting something, Mrs Lee, Mrs Bang, dad do you want a drink?"

Mrs Lee says, "I might as well indulge. I would like an Long Island Ice Tea, please. Thank you"

Jisung then makes sure he gets what she wants in it, "So vodka, tequila, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a splash of cola?"

"Yes, exactly that. Thank you"

"And you Mrs Bang?"

"A cosmo, thank you"

"Lets see, a cosmo involves vodka, Cointreau, cranberry juice, and freshly squeezed or sweetened lime juice. We have fresh limes, so it will be squeezed, will that be okay?"

"Yes, it will. Thank you"

"And what about you dad? What shall I tempt you with?"

"Baekseju, if you have it son"

"Of course, dad", Jisung says suspiciously. His dad only drinks that if he has big news, good news, "What's the big news?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You only drink baekseju, when you're happy and beaming with news?"

"Oh, um I closed a deal that I have been working on for a while"

"Well, good for you dad", Jisung smiles.

He goes to the drinks and makes the drinks up for the parents. As he does he feels someone back hugging him and whispering in his ear, "Guess who?"

Minho kisses his neck, "Are you making a Long Island Ice Tea?"

"Minho, you gotta stop that. Don't kiss my neck of front of our parents, I don't know how dating culture works over in Austrailia but its considered tacky and inappropriate to do this infront of people here", Jisung shrugs him off.

"But I want to show people that I love you, is that so bad?", Minho walks off.

"Fuck", he sighs but continues to make the drinks for the parents.

He places the drinks onto a tray and brings it over to the parents. He hands them their drinks then puts the tray back.

He was about to talk to Minho but Seungmin and the others came back with the table, and he helps them with where to go.

They put the table down then, Jeongin and Hyunjin put the chairs around the table then they help Seungmin with setting the table and placing the name cards.

Seungmin goes into his room and takes out the clipboard, he gets it and walks back out to the living room, "Alright, everyone I hope you are all having fun this christmas"

"Yes, we are. Thank you very much", Mrs Bang smiles.

"It is our pleasure, ma'am"

He taps the clipboard, "So we are going just as the schedule says so we are right on track for tonight", he looks around the group and sees that Chan and Jeongin are standing under mistletoe, "Jeongin, it seems that you and your boyfriend are standing under mistletoe"

Jeongin and Chan look up and sees the plant, and Jeongin says, "Well, the godess Figg vowed that mistletoe will kiss anyone who is under it so it wouldn't be used as a weapon, so do you want to kiss me, Christopher Bang?"

"Yes, I do Yang Jeongin", Chan smiles and pulls Jeongin closer to him by his waist.

He trails his hand up Jeongin's body and holds his face, then they kiss. Everyone cheers. Jisung thinks to himself if Jeongin is comfortable with it, maybe he could be as well.

"Okay, so as you can see hanging from the ceiling we have two mistletoes so if you find yourself under one, you can carry out the tradition. But remember to take off a berry", Seungmin looks at Jeongin and Chan as he says the last statement and they do as he said.

"Anyway, if you were here last year you may notice that the table is different from last. It is, as we needed a bigger table to it is currently six tables put together so be careful with it. 5 are for us to sit at and the sixth one is for the food to sit on in the middle. The table settings were picked by Hyunjin and Yeji as they have an eye for beauty"

"Okay, everyone has a place to sit at the table. I have made namecards and Mrs Bang don't worry there is a namecard for you"

"Thank you"

"Of course", Seungmin smiles then Sungjin shouts, "You may start sitting now, we're coming out now"

Seungmin lets everyone to find their namecard. Him, Hyunjin and Jisung sit in their usual seats.

 Him, Hyunjin and Jisung sit in their usual seats

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