Chapter 46: Chan Stands Up To His Step-Mother

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"Well, you gotta tell them two. From what I can see from being Felix's best friend from high school, he really does care about you. And looking back at the interactions between you and Minho hyung, he also cares so much about you. You guys are brothers, you need that support and lifeline. Tell them and let them support you"

Chan nods, "Thanks, Jeongin"

"No problem, Channie"

Chan then stands up and puts his hand out so Jeongin could grab it and he can pull him up.

"Let's go to Minho's apartment"

They walk out of Chan's apartment, Chan locks his door and takes Jeongin's hand. They walk down the hallway and stands infront of the door that is like 5 away.

"Youse live this close?", Jeongin is confused on how he and Jisung have never bumped into one another before.



Chan knocks on the door and walks in. He is met with Minho wearing headphones, and the mothers agruing. Minho looks up and sees Chan, he stands up and goes straight over to him.

He kisses his forehead, "Thank you for saving me. They are driving me insane"

They hide Jeongin behind them so the step-mother doesn't hide her trueself. The mothers look up and see that Chan is back.

Mrs Lee takes a deep breath to calm herself down and smiles, "Hi, Chan. How are you? I'm so sorry that Hyojin told you and Felix like that"

Chan gives a small smile, "I'm ok, Mrs Lee. Her not being married to my dad, won't stop Felix and I being brothers"

They hear a tch coming from the other person in the room and they look at her.

"Whatever is wrong, Miss Lee?", Chan asks with faux sympathy in his voice.

"If your father and I aren't married anymore, you and my son aren't brothers anymore. But that is great, I finally don't have to deal with you anymore. Don't have to deal with your tantrums, your violent outbursts and that look in your eyes when you look at me"

"Whatever do you mean tantrums? Violent outbursts and the look in my eye."

"Growing up, you were like a ticking time bomb no one knew what to say to you because there was always a chance of you blowing your top and using violence against us"

Minho looks confused, "Chan is not violent. He has never been violent"

"I've known him longer, Minho. So obviously you wouldn't know about his violent tendencies", Miss Lee is becoming delusional.

"No, I've known him longer. You only came into his life when he was eight. We've known each other since birth as my mum and his mum are best friends, so get out of here with that", Minho replies back. His mum has always seens Chan's mum as her best friend since childhood and even if she is not here anymore, she still sees her as her best friend.

She looks at Chan, "You know how you got on when you were growing up, are you going let your friend speak to me like that?"

"You're not my mother, so why would I do that? You have never been my mother"

"You have never known a mother! I was the only mother in your life! I showed you compassion, love and nurture when I couldn't have done so! Be grateful to your mother!"

Chan takes a deep breath and feels Jeongin plant a kiss on his shoulder blade and he gains confidence. He looks at Miss Lee, "Like I said, you are not my mother. The closest a woman has gotten to being my mother, ever since my mother died, would Mrs Lee. She helped me as I was growing up"

Mrs Lee smiles, "Happy to hear that, Chan"

"Happy to say it, Mrs Lee"

"You disrespectful person! Still the same as you were as a child!"

"I was a kid, yes but I was never disrespectful to you. Did I ever speak against when you blamed me for bad stuff that happened the house or -", he looks at Minho, "This is one thing she did that I never told you or Felix"

He looks back at Miss Lee, "Did I lash when you told me that it was my fault that my mother and sister are dead?"

Everyone looks at Miss Lee, and Mrs Lee asks, "Did you really say that to him?"

"No, why would I say a heinous thing like that?"

"You told me that because I was a bad child, my parents wanted another child which led to my mother and sister dying"

"What the hell is wrong with you, Hyojin?"

"What? He was probably being a bratty teenager and I need to reel him in"

"I was 8, this was a couple of months after you moved in"

"What the fuck Hyojin?"

"What? He was most likely being disrespectful and I needed to put him in his place"

"There is alot of things you should never say to a person let alone child! This is has to be number one! You are a horrible human being! You should leave before you say or do any more damage and I go to jail"

"Very well, Miyeon. I don't want to spend any more time with any of you! Especially not that f*ggot and his gender confused girlfriend"

"Miss Lee! Get out!", Chan shouts.

"Oh-h-h-h, time for me to go to jail", Mrs Lee says, but Minho holds his mum back because she would actually end up in jail.

Miss Lee grabs her stuff, they had already sorted out her suitcase, as she grabs it going past Chan, Chan turns his whole body to hide Jeongin so she doesn't see him or say anything worse.

She turns to look at Chan, "Just a piece of advice, the more you support the outrageous notion that your girlfriend is a different gender, the more you harm her in the future"

"Get out, Miss Lee", Chan says calmly, "Open the door and leave"

Miss Lee rolls her eyes and grunts, she opens the door and leaves Minho's apartment.

The moment the door closes Chan turns right around to look at his boyfriend, "Jeongin, are you ok?"

Mrs Lee's eyes widen, "Jeongin is here?"

Jeongin looks up at him and smiles, "Yeah, I'm okay. How are you?"

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