Truth and Consequences

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Snow covered the war camp like a soft blanket of wool; men huddled around open fires and talked in hushed whispers while wrapped in heavy jackets of red and yellow. It was easy to pick out the Fire Dancers in the army, as they were the only ones without jackets and walked around in the elegant red and black robes of their order. The skies overhead were a deep gray, and the anticipation of more snow hung in the air like a silent scream. Located in the middle of the camp were the black tents of Lucan and Vanni. Sprawling across the length of four tents and guarded by Long Swords and Shield Sisters, it stood out like a scar on an otherwise unblemished face.

The entrance flaps parted as the Long Sword guards stepped to the side. Dressed in his regal white robe with gold fringe, Lucan strode out and deeply breathed the crisp winter air. Steam rose from his hooded head as he took in the camp with a smile. The flaps opened again as Vanni exited wearing his new Battle Master shawl, his pale, scarred face almost highlighted against the black of the shawl.

"The crow came this morning. The Thanish army marches now, and they have the girl." Vanni said, fog forming around his words.

Lucan smiled and looked to the skies, watching the falling snow with a serenity. "I knew it would be a short time before she was caught again. What of Anese?"

Vanni dry-washed his hands and lowered his head, "The message spoke of only the little girl."

Lucan turned to face Vanni and read his face, "No bother, her father sits in prison now, only visited by that disgusting Dungeon Master. She is of no concern; the Starr family has seen their bloodline end."

Vanni nodded as the two began walking amongst their troops, "Insignificant people anyways. They offered nothing."

Lucan stopped and regarded Vanni, placing a hand on his shoulder, "They were not an insignificant family by any stretch. They were important; they were my Long Sword leaders and Shield Sister trainers. He was my Battle Master and one of the best that could've been had. It's a tragedy that what had to be done was done."

Vanni's face slightly reddened, "I understand, my High King. I only think that those who would oppose you and try to overthrow you would be deemed insignificant based on their misaligned views."

A group of Long Swords marched by, dressed in white furred long jackets. Their two-handed swords strapped to their back and gently bounced against the cushioning of the sheath and fur. Lucan nodded as they passed and was greeted with salutes.

"When I was banished from the lands that I helped my Uncle win, I had a rage inside of me. For everything I had fought for and everything I was ordered to do was for naught. I had become the scapegoat, along with my army and servants. Rikart was a man I trusted wholly because he came from a bloodline that believed in me and my cause." Lucan said as they continued to walk through the falling snow.

Vanni kept his head down as he walked, looking up occasionally to acknowledge groups of soldiers, "As did I if you'll remember."

Lucan paused outside of the makeshift lumber yard and inspected a catapult, laying a hand on the wheel and turning towards Vanni, "The thing with you is that I'm not so blind to know that you crave power. You actually hold a great deal of sway within this army and over the lands. Without your trickery, the Thanish wouldn't have had the supplies to start a civil war, and we wouldn't have had the supplies either."

Vanni smiled, "What I do, I do for the good of the Sect. I believe in your values, and I believe in you as a King."

Lucan ran his hand over the metal lining the wheels of the catapult, "Do you honestly know why I bring this war to the kingdom, Vanni?"

Vanni watched, not saying a word, as Lucan turned to him, igniting a small fire in his right hand, holding his palm up and watching the dancing flames.

"I bring this war to my Uncle for revenge. Not petty revenge, not for banishing me to these lands, but because he lied." Lucan said, still staring at the flame in his hand.

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