The Pack

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Annifer stood at the head of a long wooden table covered on the edges with a leafy and bright green fluffy moss. It stood out against the deep brown grains of the table, and the clear coating reflected the brazier fire in the middle of the table. She held her head in her hands in frustration, breathing deeply. All around the table in a circle was the Mother Moon, a council of druids made up entirely of the most powerful women of Amdesse. Some held powers of nature, able to control the vines and branches of trees; others could bind their mind to the spirits and commune with the world itself and the animals of the forest. This was Annifer's brood, Sounder of the Spirits, a rare and unique magic where one could enter a trance and communicate with the past spirits of the world, learning of the news from distant lands and offering advice and truths. It was also the reason she could hear animals speaking.

"I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying." Annifer pleaded.

"We hear you, Mother of the Woods. We hear you saying the spirits said you were tied to fate." Pliss said.

Pliss was the oldest of the Mother Moon; her almost white hair was done in braids tied in ringlets around the top of her head and adorned with tiny purple flowers. She was of the Wardens, the Druids that could use the powers of nature, and had been the previous Mother of the Woods before Annifer was selected. Her layers of animal fur robes hung loosely around her diminutive frame, making her seem thicker than she was. Her long face held an edge of defiance as her calm lilac eyes regarded Annifer.

"Then why do you deny the help I beg for?"

Annifer laid her hands on the long table and hung her head, her long brown hair limply draped over her face. She had come to the council to tell them of her visions and ask permission to gather a Druidic army, but she had been flatly denied.

Another Druid, Arlo, stamped her gnarled wooden staff into the side of the table. She was another Warden and younger by only a few years than Annifer. Her bright red hair stood out in stark contrast to her nearly black skin and piercing green eyes.

"The Druids of Amdesse have never fought in a war, let alone take a side in a civil war." She said, her voice husky and thick.

Annifer's head snapped up, and her eyes widened in shock, "I'm not asking to take a side in the civil war! This is bigger than just a province rebelling. The Gods are returning!"

Pliss shook her head at the outburst, "You are young yet, Annifer, you let emotions rule you. We do not deny the visions you speak of, only the actions you choose to follow."

Nodding, Arlo turned and faced her fellow Druid, "We do not fight; we protect. We protect that which cannot fight back."

Annifer threw her hands up in frustration and stepped away from the table; turning her back on the Mother, she sighed deeply and looked down at her feet where Bitsy stared up at her with black-rimmed eyes. She smiled at her furry friend as the small raccoon stretched and yawned. Slowly, Annifer turned around and smiled at Arlo.

"The Spirits spoke of the return of the Life Giver and the return of the Great Leveler, yet you feel that we should not take up arms?" Annifer asked.

Pliss cleared her throat, "Annifer, listen to your own words. The Spirits spoke of the fates that tied you to the resurrection of Cor."

"They did not call to action, the arms of all. They gave you a choice, Mother."

Tyanda spoke low and carefully, the fourth and final Moon Mother. She was a thickly built woman with broad shoulders and muscular arms. Her golden and chestnut hair was pulled back into a bun held together by small animal bones. She was of Annifer's brood and had been a close friend. Her dark blue eyes searched Annifer's as she continued to speak.

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