To Fan a Flame

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The King's chambers were immaculate. White salt stone walls were embellished with gold inlays of flames and spiraling intricate designs. The two windows that overlooked the only garden in the Flame Sect fortress were adorned with red and yellow framing that housed many glittering jewels. The wooden furniture was crafted so well there were no seams, and polished to a mirror finish, and the padding on the chairs were covered in beautifully woven linens of the brightest red. It sat at the highest point of the fortress and stood out as a defiance to the harsh lands that surrounded it. In the center of the chamber was a oversized bed that had a canopy built of stained red wood and draped in sheer white fabric. Blue and white pillows with gold trim were propped against the massive headboard that had a scene of Long Swords battling carved into it. Lucan sat on one corner of the bed, adorned in his white fur trimmed robes, he was staring at a hood he held in his hands and flipping it over. It was black with deep blue trimming and had two odd gold cups on each side.

"I am a King...what the fuck am I supposed to do with this?" He said to the empty room.

Vanni had had this hood delivered to him yesterday, presented it as a way to hear through his ruined ears. He couldn't imagine how and he couldn't imagine how it would look either. How could he present intimidation and royalty looking like a jester? That bitch had ruined him, when she was found he would be sure to make her pay in the most painful of ways. He dreamt of his revenge, his slow painful torturing of her. His devouring of her precious magics. He would get all the pleasure from every moment of it. Watching her writhe and cry. A knock at his door brought him back into reality. It wasn't that he heard it, so much as he felt the vibration.

"Your Highness. You have a visitor." A muffled voice said from outside of his door.

It was his servant, Matthias, a graying old friend he had employed during his recuperation. He was sure of it, but he couldn't make out the words. They were muffled beyond recognition, like having to listen under water. He looked towards the windows and saw it was still light outside but the sky had turned a deep gray as flecks of white were churning in the winds. The snow had finally come with the deep winter winds.

"You know I can't hear a damn word you say, just come in!" He growled.

It was so inconvenient, all of it. The world was different without his hearing, even if he had more fire magic than anyone he had known. He had to look at a persons mouth to pick out words. That bitch had made a mess of things, how was he supposed to rule if he couldn't hear his subjects? Couldn't hear his people cheer him on or his enemies give their surrender. Damn it all to the Gods, he was the ruthless and just ruler of the great Flame Sect! By the Gods he would make her pay. Lucan half turned and faced the door as it began to open.

"I don't know why you bother to try to speak me through a fucking wooden door when I can't hear a damn..."

Vanni walked in and smiled, his scarred and pale face split by his grin. He half bowed and motioned for Lucan to slip on his hood.

"Vanni, this...this...thing is hideous. What the fuck is it even worth?"

Vanni crossed the room with a slithering grace and gently took the hood from Lucan. He pointed to the gold cups on each side and cupped a hand to his ears. Lucan took it back with a look of disgust and slid the hood over his head. It fit perfectly, and the cups were barely noticeable. The noises from the room flooded into his ears. His eyes widened as he looked up at Vanni's scarred face.

"I....can hear. Everything..."

Vanni nodded slightly, "It's not perfect, but it allows my Grace to do what he could not before."

"Only a slight echo, but Vanni. I can hear!" Lucan exclaimed as he stood up from the bed and embraced the Magi.

"A small gift for my King." Vanni said in a hushed whisper. "Well worth the hours spent figuring out how to create this contraption."

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