Red Sands

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The Flame Sect Invasion

It was hot as hell in Red Sands. No trees to buffer the fire hot air, or to shade from the scorching sun above. Draxx had been in plenty of battles where the elements were a detriment to him for wearing full armor but not today. Today he had only gone with his battered green helm and breastplate that he had worn during the King's Wars. They were sentimental to him because he had always believed in the Emerald King's views when it came to ruling and taxes and giving a soldier what he earned. Today was not a day to wear gauntlets or pauldrons, today he would trust his instincts and ride his Nila into battle with the bare minimum armor. He even skimped on her armor too. Couldn't have his sweet ride collapsing when he charged into the Flame Sect lines. She was already panting.

"You gonna make it big girl?" Draxx said as he reached down from atop her lightly armored back to pat her head.

She grunted and nudged her head upwards. They had a special connection that Draxx had always known from the first time he found her and what he assumed to be litter mates in the Salt Deserts. They were lined up flanking each side of Draxx and made up the Calvary of Red Sands. He had raised her two brothers with her and they were certainly a fearsome foursome. At least, that's what he would call them to others. It just sounded really mean.

"Soldiers, the Flame Sect army has been spotted. Moving from the East where they were positioned last night. Our scouts predict they'll crest the hills in only a moment's time. Prepare yourself!"

Traylon was the Red Sand's army general. Dark in skin and tall with a lean frame but lightning fast with the spear, as were the rest of his soldiers. He wore the leathers and white robes of his army's uniform but it was fringed in gold to signify his rank. He had called out from behind Draxx and he could hear the soldiers behind him ready themselves. This was it, the first attack on Red Sands that Draxx could ever remember and everyone knew why. There had been a messenger a week ago from the Flame Sect, calling for war or to hand over all children that were of the Touched. They had already invaded Crag, where the rumor was that only one Touched had been found. Then they moved to Moon Garden in what was a complete slaughter. Those were peaceful people who kept to themselves and practiced the arts of music and song. They had almost been wiped out to a man when the Flame Sect pulled back. Now, here they were knocking on the doorstep of Red Sands.

Draxx adjusted the leather bindings on both of his massive hands, then worked the grips on both of his battle axes. This army was ready, and he was more than ready to stop this senseless slaughtering. There had been word that the scholars of the Flame Sect had figured out how to steal the magic from children and give it to their army. Could this even be possible? He had never even fathomed such a thing, but if it meant killing children to bolster the power of men then you could count on Draxx and his Halles Swine to fight. He leaned over and grabbed his water skin, pulling a large gulp. Gods it was hot, he thought.

The first glint of sun on armor crested the sandy hills, and Traylon yelled, "Ready yourself, men. They come to steal our children and slaughter them in the name of magic!!!"

Draxx felt his neck hairs stand on end as his mouth began to go dry, his blood became a red-hot liquid pumping through him. He lived for battle and found his purpose in protection. Pulling the reins on Nila he adjusted himself atop her back and waited. Waiting was the worst part when all you wanted to do was charge. He squinted from the sun above, sweat rolling down his cheeks, counting the men cresting the hills. This army was large behind Draxx but vastly outnumbered. His palms began sweating and he could hear the blood pumping in his ears. Any moment now he would see the Long Swords and Shield Sisters and that was his cue.

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