“A-A-Annie! Stop!” Lilit tries to grab at her hands as she laughs. “Stop! I-I need to…need to pee!”

“Fine.” Annie relents in her tickle attack before placing a gentle kiss to Lilit's forehead. “You go do that and I'll get your breakfast ready. Well, almost brunch I should say as it's nearly half past nine. You overslept and we don't have the hours originally planned to get you ready.”

“We'll still get you all pretty!” She hears Sunny call from the other room followed by excited giggles. “I can't wait!”

Lilit rolls her eyes and shoots Annie a look before untangling herself from her twisted nightgown and standing, walking to the bathroom where she closes the door behind her. Annie gives a sigh and heads back into the main room, intercepting the bright eyed bubbly ghoulette and taking the cup of coffee from her hands to take a sip.

“No more of that for you, Sunbeam.”

“Aww,” she pouts, her shoulders falling. “But… Coffee…”

“And you're an excited bundle of energy without it. You'd be bouncing off the walls if I let you have this.”

Cirrus, who had been standing next to her, gives her own soft laugh before turning Sunshine's face towards her, leaning up to kiss her gently as she gives another whiny pout. “You know she's right. Now come on. We gotta get our stuff set up so we can do our sister's hair and makeup.”

Annie smiles as she watches after them, sure her sister was in good hands with Cumulus at the stove making her breakfast and the other two getting ready to make up her face and hair. Her dress was set to go, hanging on the back of the door and the last minute details were taken care of. Annie saw to that this morning after waking up before her Cardinal. She wondered if he was still sleeping as he had the day off and she hadn't gotten a chance to check on him since her day started. Perhaps, she thinks, she should.

After checking in with Cumulus she sets the empty mug in the sink and heads out down the hall to make sure her Cardinal wasn't sleeping the day away.


“Yes, even boys need makeup on special days! No, you aren't getting out of this!” Ace says with a laugh as they tugs on Mountain's shoulder to shove him back down into the seat. “Besides. If I don't get this done Cirrus will tan my hide and, well. I'd like to avoid that.”

“Yeah, but, and no offense, but you? You know how to do makeup?”

Ace sighs and gives the ghoul a look, pursing their lips. “Yes, I know how to do makeup. Why do you think I look so fabulous all the time? Now put your glamour on.”

Mountain gives a soft laugh and shakes his head but otherwise relents, sitting still and closing his eyes and pulling on his glamour as Ace gets to work, flinching when something soft touches his face only to relax after a moment. Every time Ace does something, he flinches away for the briefest of seconds but if they were annoyed by it the other ghoul didn't say anything.

“Just a little…” Ace mutters, mostly to themself. “A touch of…aaaaand…. Presto changeo, made up daddy-o!”

Mountain arches an eyebrow before letting out a laugh. “Yeah?”

“What?” Ace huffs out before giving their own laugh. “You're done and look hot as shit. When Lilit sees ya…” They trail off with a cringe, biting at their lip. “I mean. Annie's gonna share her sight at some point, right? So she can at least see you?”

Mountain sighs and gives a shrug, finally opening his eyes. “I don't know. I would like to hope she would, but it would have to be her choice. It takes a lot out of the person who's sight she uses. Makes the eyes burn after a while.”

Bloody Angel: Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora