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Baelon asked his mother about the murder of Visenya's Betrothed. Her mother told him not to speak about it. She told him that she will find a way to marry Visenya to him.

Aemond met Queen Marlyn and her father in the tower of hand.

Your plan to eliminate Samwell succeeded, good sister. What are you planning to do next?

Lord Tyrell got shocked hearing him. He got to know the truth.

Are you accusing us of his murder, prince Aemond? We heard he got killed by the thieves.

I saw your father sending few men behind them in the driftmark.

I think you are mistaken. My father would have asked his men to keep an eye on them when they were there. We are not murderers, Prince.

I got one of your men. He is in my custody now. If I asked him to tell the truth to my brother or my half sister, you will be doomed. So I want you to listen to me, good sister.

Lord Tyrell asked him what do you want from us, prince Aemond?

I want your son to marry my daughter. Your secret will be safe with me if you did what I ask you.

What will you do if I don't do what you ask for, prince?

I will make sure my half sister knows what you did to her only daughter. She will do the same to your daughter.

You can tell her whatever you want. I won't marry your daughter to my son.
We don't know who you have in your custody. We didn't send him.

Why would anyone believe what you are saying is truth. Also what do we get from murdering an ordinary soldier from dorne.

I am no fool, Marlyn. I will soon find out why did you murder him. Think about it, good sister. I want the best for the family. I have done everything I could do for my brother. I am being reasonable.

What about the things I have did for this family. I have tolerated the abuse of your brother for twelve years. He kept drinking and sleeping around. Your mother kept controlling me. My son suffered for the stupidity of your dead nephew. It's time for my children to get what they deserve. I won't back down, prince.

My son will be the king and my daughter will be his queen. Nothing will change this.

My husband might have forgotten your help in the past. But I don't. If you want I could fix your daughter's wedding with the son of some rich noble lord from Reach.

Aemond got angry. What if I ask the man to tell the truth to Rhaenyra Or Aegon.

I don't know what truth you are talking about. If there's some truth, she will come for all of us. She will kill us all and put her son Viserys and daughter Visenya on the throne. You wouldn't want that.

You can say whatever you want to my husband, he will not care about the death of some dornish man.

I really underestimated you, good sister. You are really good at playing this game, aren't you. I will find the proof and I will see you again. Aemond left the room.

What if he told the truth to the king, dear daughter?

He wouldn't do that, Father. He wants Baelon to marry his daughter. He needs us. We have to be careful from now, Father.

Aemond can't believe that they refused him. He felt insulted. He tried torturing the man to get more information. But he didn't know anything other than getting paid for killing Samwell. He wanted to know their motive behind the attack.

Visenya started working for the iron bank and stepstones as before. She killed few pirates who tried entering into stepstones. Aegon started spending time with her. He doesn't want her to feel lonely.She started training with Daena. She plays with Naerys too.

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