Powerful Addiction

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The next morning, Visenya went to see Aegon. Everyone from the royal family was there except Jaehaera. She curtsied everyone.

Garmund,Rhaena and Rhaenys were there too. Alicent started talking.

You have surpassed your parents reputation. They will be very proud of you.

Visenya didn't say anything. She doesn't care about her comments.

Aegon told her,there have been few complaints about you leaving the castle and drinking in the pubs. Do you like to give clarity on the same?

I thought I was a guest and not a prisoner here, your grace. I thought I am allowed to go outside the castle.

You are allowed to go outside the red keep. You do know that you are not allowed to drink, don't you?

My apologies, your grace. I don't know that. I drink everyday. I had no such restrictions in free city. I cannot avoid it.

Baelon was shocked to hear that. Alicent laughed. You mean to say you are addicted to drinking.

No, your grace. I am not addicted to it. It's my habit. I don't lose my mind or create a scene.

We all know you don't have to drink to create a scene. You do that normally. Everyone knows what you did to the men  who fought near the sept.

I saved your granddaughter, your grace. You can ask her what they did to her maid. Also what they tried to do to her. If you say it's wrong, I will try to mind my own business next time.

We thank you for saving my daughter. But you cannot do as you please here. This is not a free city. You will not leave the castle to drink at pubs.

I am sorry, your grace. As I said I can't sleep properly without drinking. It's my habit. I request you to send me home if it's inappropriate here.

Aemond was staring at her.Alicent snorted. Your mother thinks she is a best mother in the whole world. But she got a daughter addicted to alcohol and sons good for nothing.

Aegon said you cannot leave until you are allowed. You will obey the rules when you are here. It is an order.

He could see her irritation. It's not easy being sober once you are used to drinking. He used to be like that in his teenage years.

Jaehaera heard about her drinking habit and told Baelon that she is not fit to be queen. Baelon got disappointed. He knows his mother and father won't agree now.

Visenya couldn't sleep. She was standing near the window of her room staring into the sky. She wanted to call stormfyre and fly away. She wanted this stupidity to end sooner. It has been only 4 days. There are 10 more days.

Rhaena noticed her and she felt bad for her. She told Garmund about the same.

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