Chapter 16- New Discoveries

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"So (Y/N), what will you do while Toph teaches me earthbending?" Aang asked me curiously.

"I think I'm going to try and communicate with Tui and La, the ocean spirits," I explained truthfully to him. "I have a few questions to ask them,".

So now the day was planned out for everyone: Toph would teach Aang earthbending, Katara seemed keen to watch, Sokka would try to find us some food, and I would find a way to talk to Tui and La. Within a few minutes we had all split up. Aang, toph and Katara went to find somewhere suitable to earthbend, although everywhere here seemed to be made of rock anyway, and Sokka left somewhere to hunt for food. While I knew what my plan was, I still had no idea how to communicate with the spirits. At the Northern Water Tribe, I always meditated at the spirit oasis, so it was rather simple. However, now there was no spirit oasis... 'Maybe I just need to find somewhere equivalent to the oasis' I thought to myself. But where would be suitable? I suppose anywhere quiet, tranquil, and with water present would do.

And so I searched in the scorching sun, wandering around rocks and climbing up to tall heights in order to find somewhere to peacefully meditate. Once I had scampered up to the highest peak I could find, I saw a moderately sized body of water about half a mile from our campsite. Without a second thought I trekked in the direction of it, and I quickly arrived. At first glance it seemed to just be a ditch filled partly with water, but the peacefulness of it had drawn me in. Surrounded by rocky walls, the pond was quiet, yet vibrant with life, as pondweeds were scattered around the outside. There were even a few critters jumping around the outskirts. I found a stone slab to sit on, which was nice and toasty as it had been heated by the sun. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, letting the sounds of the pondweeds swaying and the water splashing fill my mind.

"It's good to see you again, (Y/N)," I heard the deep voice of La saying to me, and I knew I had made it into the spirit world. I opened my eyes, and suddenly found myself in the spirit oasis, despite being miles from the Northern Water Tribe. It looked as beautiful as ever, and I peered into the shallow depths of the spirit pond to see the two koi fish circling each other. And then, I suddenly heard another voice. One that's familiar to me.

"Hello, (Y/N)," she said sweetly to me, and I instantly knew that it was Yue, my spirit sister. Although I couldn't see her, I could hear her voice as clear as day.

"Yue!" I exclaimed in amazement.

"Yes, it's me. I am one with the spirits now," she told me in a surprisingly happy tone. "How is Sokka?" she asked me with interest. I remember that they used to be very close, so I gave her a truthful response.

"Me and him don't get along very well," I admitted to her sadly. "He doesn't trust me because of my origins in the fire nation,".

"That's a shame, but don't give up hope," she encouraged me. "I always had a feeling that you two could be good friends. Say hello to him for me, will you?" she asked, and I nodded by head.

"So, (Y/N)," I heard the light voice of Tui speaking to me. "Why have you come to visit us today?"

"I'm confused, and I need answers," I muttered to them quietly. "When I was born, was I supposed to be a firebender?" I finally asked them, to which there was silence for a moment. I continued to stare into the pond, watching Tui and La circle each other endlessly as I awaited their response.

"Yes, you were," La admitted to me bluntly after a few seconds. With his words, I felt a chill flow through my body, as if my blood had gone cold. I was supposed to be a firebender. I couldn't believe it.

"We took away your firebending abilities when you were bathed in the spirit waters," Tui explained as I stood in shock. "We replaced it instead with waterbending, as your parents wished,". Of course, my parents had to meddle with my life, even from the day I was born.

Chosen by the Spirits | A male reader x Avatar the Last Airbender storyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum