Chapter 37 - Stormy Weather

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The relief of rescuing the clothes was short-lived as your foot slid on the wet grass, and you felt a sudden, sharp pain shoot up your leg.

Harvey, who had been watching with a smile, instantly rushed outside to your side. "Evangeline, are you okay?" His concern was evident as he helped you regain your balance.

You winced, clutching your ankle. "I think I twisted it," you admitted, the pain making each step difficult. Harvey supported you, gently guiding you back to the farmhouse. You couldn't help but giggle at your stupidity once again. It really wasn't a serious injury at all.

Grabbing a dry towel from the bathroom, he let a small chuckle. "I tried to warn you," he teased, wrapping the towel around your shoulders as you slid your wet dress off, hobbling towards the living room. Harvey carefully helped you onto the sofa, grabbing a cushion to elevate your injured foot. "You really know how to make a simple evening interesting," he remarked, a slight smirk on his face.

You managed a small smile and giggle from your embarrassment. "I guess I have a talent for that." As Harvey disappeared into the kitchen to fetch an ice pack, you let out a loud yawn, it had been a long day.

"Here, put this on it." Harvey said, attending to you with an ice pack. "Thanks Harv, I think I'm okay though, it wasn't that serious." You smiled, showing him you could move your ankle fine.  "Well, let's not take any chances. Better safe than sorry." He gently placed the ice pack on your ankle, and you couldn't help but shiver at the initial cold contact.

You settled in for the evening and the hours passed gradually as you watched TV together. You went to get up to go to bed, but Harvey gave you a stern look. "Don't think about moving, that ankle needs rest." You sighed, recognising that familiar glint of determination in Harvey's eyes. You settled back into the cushions, and he joined you, the two of you sharing a quiet moment in the dim light. Your ankle, encased in the comforting coolness of the ice pack, seemed to throb less with each passing minute.

In an attempt to reassure Harvey, you stretched your legs, flexing your ankle with a playful smile. "Harv, seriously, all good." His expression softened as he watched you, his concern gradually transforming into a warm smile. "Well, if it feels better than I guess it's fine." He responded, getting up to help you.

Harvey always liked to make sure he took care of you every chance he could. He took no chances on any medical issue related to you and your health was clearly his priority.


You awoke, your mind determined to start the day early. You moved your ankle which felt fine after a long nights rest. Harvey had already gotten up as you glanced next to you.

The summer months were always very warm and humid, the sun setting into its full scorching heat by midday. Summer was, after all, the prime season for growing crops, and the farm demanded increased attention during these months.

You stood up from bed rather quickly, eager to start the tasks at hand. However, as you did, you felt your head spin. Almost as if your weight had lifted from your body, you grabbed onto the headboard at the end of the bed to steady yourself. Standing still for a second, you regained composure. The world around you settled back into focus, and with a deep breath, you braced yourself for the day's tasks, ready to confront the challenges and rewards that awaited in the summer sun.

You had already decided that the incident was a one off. You threw on your silk dressing gown and raced downstairs to make a cup of coffee.

Harvey was dressed in his crisp work shirt and red tie, a sight you never got sick of. His work outfit was neatly pressed and tailored like usual and clung to him in all the right places. The sleeves, rolled up in a casually confident manner, revealed his strong forearms that hinted at both strength and gentleness. You sometimes forgot how strong he was.

"Morning, love," Harvey greeted you with a warm smile, acknowledging your presence in the kitchen.  The sunlight streaming through the kitchen window cast a gentle glow on him, making your heart flutter. "Morning honey." You responded, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"You look hot today." You smirked as you made your coffee. Harvey raised his eyebrows in response to your statement. "Do I?" He asked, turning towards you, a hint of amusement in his tone. You giggled, appreciating his alluring presence. "Absolutely," you affirmed, adding a mischievous twinkle to your gaze.

Harvey wrapped his arms around your waist from behind as you poured the milk into your coffee. Kissing your cheek from the side, you felt a shiver course through your body in response to his touch.

With a gentle nudge, Harvey rested his chin on your shoulder, his lips curving into a contented smile. "Well, luckily I'm yours." He murmured, his warm breath tickling your ear. As he went to pull away, you turned to face him, pulling him closer. Instead of moving away, he placed his hands back onto your waist, unable to resist.

"Are you trying to distract me from going to work, love?" Harvey teased, his lips brushing against your face as he spoke, placing a kiss on your cheek. The playful tone in his voice sent another shiver down your spine. "Maybe I am," you replied, turning your head to meet his gaze. Harvey's fingers traced light circles on your waist, a subtle yet intimate gesture.

"And what do you want from me that cannot wait til afterwards?" He asked playfully, his hand running through your hair. "Well, you." You responded smoothly, placing a firm kiss onto his lips. The kiss deepened, each moment building with tension. The kitchen, usually a space for morning routines and chores became something completely different.

Harvey's hand cupped your cheek tenderly, his thumb tracing soft circles. "Every distraction should be as beautiful as this," He spoke, pulling away momentarily. Before you could respond, Harvey carried on the kiss holding your head, making sure the moment lasted. Slipping off your dressing gown, Harvey loosened his tie. Grabbing you by your waist, he lifted you onto the kitchen counter and wrapped your legs around his body.

In the midst of the intimacy, Harvey's lips left yours, trailing kisses along your jawline and down your neck. It seemed as if both of your movements were getting more frantic with every passing second. "Well I guess work will have to wait." He added before moving further down your body with his kisses.

Your fingers traced paths of longing across Harvey's shoulders, your body completely under his spell. His hands, skilled and knowing, navigated the contours of your body, igniting sparks of desire. Lifting up your arms and throwing your nightdress across the room, Harveys lips reunited with yours.

Unbuttoning his shirt frantically, you felt his hands firm on your waist again. The world outside, with its routine and obligations, faded into insignificance in his touch. Time seemed to pause. "Are you sure?" Harvey asked before he went all the way. "I've never been so sure in my life." You whispered in his hear, unleashing his passion once more.

Without hesitation, Harvey wrapped your legs around his body, and soon you felt waves of ecstasy course through your body.
Panting heavily, you rested your head onto Harvey's bare shoulder, his hand resting on the back of your head, stroking your hair.

"You are amazing." He whispered into your ear as his breath hit your skin. "So are you." You mumbled, completely in awe of him.

As you rested against one another, the phone rang in the other room, breaking the intimacy.

"I should get that, it's probably Maru wondering where I am." Harvey signed, redressing himself and making his way out of the kitchen. You did the same.

Peeking your head round the corner, you listened in to the phone conversation. You caught the end of Harvey's conversation.

"Right, I see." He sighed, looking somewhat confused. Your face mirrored his lost expression, unsure of who he was talking to.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll be there as soon as I can." He muttered, looking somewhat shocked. As he placed the receiver down, you decided to enter the room and ask.

"Harv, what's wrong!" You frowned, putting your hand on his back in a reassuring manner.

"It's my father, he's had a stroke."

Harvey barely spoke about his parents, it's almost as if he didn't want to. You had been together for a while now and you were wondering when you should ask about meeting them.

It looked as if that meeting was coming very soon.

Love Is The Best Medicine (Stardew Valley - Harvey)Where stories live. Discover now