Donna nodded in agreement. "It's wonderful to see you taking an interest in your faith, Gerard," she remarked. With a sense of relief washing over him, Gerard offered a grateful smile. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "I appreciate your support." Little did Donald and Donna know, Gerard's true motivation for attending church lay not in a desire to engage in religious activity, but rather in his longing to be with Frank. As they continued with breakfast, Donald turned to Gerard. "So, Gerard, what's the occasion for wanting to go to church today?" he inquired. Gerard hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he searched for a suitable response. "Well, Father," he began. "Now that I'm a husband, I feel like it's important for me to be closer to God and seek guidance in my marriage." Donald nodded thoughtfully. "I see," he replied. "It's commendable that you're taking your marriage seriously, Gerard. And seeking guidance from a higher power is always a wise choice." Gerard offered a grateful smile. "Thank you, Dad," he said sincerely. "I just want to do what's best for Hayley and me."

Growing up with strict parents, Gerard was no stranger to lying. From an early age, he had mastered the art of the sweet white lie, using carefully crafted words. Gerard reflected on the countless lies he had told over the years. From feigning illness to skip school to making up elaborate stories to cover up his true desires, lying had become second nature to him. As they continued their breakfast, Hayley joined them, already showered and dressed for the day ahead. She greeted Donald and Donna with a warm smile, her demeanor polite as she took her seat at the table. "Good morning, Dear," Donald greeted. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Way," Hayley replied. Gerard offered her a small nod of acknowledgment, though inwardly, he couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at him. As they continued their breakfast, Donald and Donna treated Hayley with kindness and affection. They welcomed her into their home with open arms, treating her as if she were their own daughter.

"Would you like some more orange juice, Hayley?" Donna asked as she reached for the pitcher on the table. "Oh, yes please, Mrs. Way," Hayley replied, her smile brightening as she accepted the offer. Donald chimed in, his eyes twinkling with warmth as he addressed her. "You know, Hayley, we're so grateful to have you here with us. You've brought so much joy into our lives." Hayley's cheeks flushed with color at the kind words. "Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Way," she said sincerely. "I'm truly blessed to be a part of your family." To them, Hayley was more than just a wife to Gerard; she was a savior. "So, Hayley dear, have you been feeling any different lately? Any signs that might suggest you're expecting?" Donna asked softly and Hayley's eyes widened in surprise at the question, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Oh, um, well," she stammered, her gaze darting nervously between Donald, Donna, and Gerard. Gerard shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for Hayley's response.

Donald, sensing Hayley's discomfort, reached out a reassuring hand and offered her a comforting smile. "Don't worry, Hayley dear," he said kindly. "We're just curious, that's all. There's no pressure." Hayley let out a nervous laugh, her shoulders relaxing slightly at Donald's words. "Well, I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary," she replied. "But I suppose time will tell." Donna nodded understandingly as she reached out to pat Hayley's hand. "Of course, dear," she said gently. "Just remember, if you ever need anything, we're here for you." As they finished their breakfast, Donald cleared his throat, drawing their attention. "Before we continue with our day, I have something for both of you," he said, reaching into his pocket and producing a small pouch. Curious, Hayley and Gerard exchanged glances before turning their attention back to Donald as he continued. "This is maca root tea," he explained, holding up the pouch for them to see. "It's known for its fertility-boosting properties, perfect for couples who are trying to conceive."

Hayley's eyes widened in surprise, while Gerard's heart skipped a beat at the mention of fertility and he forced a smile. "It's a family recipe," Donald continued as he handed the pouch to Hayley. "We've found it to be quite effective in our own experience." Hayley accepted the pouch with a grateful smile, her fingers trembling slightly as she examined it. "Thank you, Mr. Way," she said softly. "I really appreciate it." Donald nodded as he turned to Gerard. "And for you as well, son," he said, offering another pouch to Gerard. "It's important that both partners are taking care of their health, especially when it comes to starting a family." Gerard accepted the pouch with a forced smile, though inside, his mind raced with a million thoughts. As they prepared to leave for their respective destinations, Gerard and Hayley made their way to Gerard's car, while Donald and Donna headed towards their own vehicle. Gerard unlocked the car doors with a click of his keys, the sound echoing in the quiet morning air. He held the door open for Hayley, gesturing for her to take a seat as he followed suit on the driver's side.

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