The big bad wolf and his little sheep

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Canada's POV

After what happened last night, I didn't feel like getting out of bed this morning, so I just stayed there, snuggled up in my blanket, clutching the raccoon plush that America gave me for my birthday. I squeezed my eyes shut as a few tear drops fall out of my eye, onto my cheek and on my pillow. America's soft but firm knock caught my attention. "Are you ok? Mexico told me what happened last night, you want to talk about it?" Ame's muffled voice was laced with concern. "Go away," I muffled into my pillow, I'm not sure if America heard since he entered my room anyways. My bed leaned towards where America sat down beside me. "Can you please leave me alone?" I muffled into my pillow once more, smudging my tears on my pillowcase. He sighed and started patting my head. "Will you please talk to me?" I sighed when I realised that America is going to keep on pushing until I open up. "I...I just, don't want to loose someone else that I really care about, I've just lost Ukraine, I don't want to loose Mex too." Turned my head to face Ame, wiping the tears of my face. "So, you like Mexico don't you?" Ame smirked at me. "Please take this seriously for once!" I could feel my face getting hotter and hotter when America started laughing. "Ok, ok. Fine Mex told me that he isn't mad nor is he afraid of you, he told me that after he found out about your little secret, he just started crushing on you even harder." America chuckled once more when my face turned redder than a tomato. "Really?"

"Really." And almost right on queue, Mexico slid into my bedroom holding a bag. "I know, you probably think that I'm either scared or just mad at you but...I'm not, and I brought something for you to apologise for running off like that last night." He reached into the bag and pulled out a wolf onesie and a sheep onesie. "I know this isn't much but at least we can match." Mex blushed slightly. "Are you kidding me?! This is adorable!" I squealed and ran towards Mex, wrapping my arms around him. "I love it I love it I love it!" I lifted Mex off the floor and spun him around. "Hehe... I'm glad you liked it." The Mexican's face was as red as a tomato when I placed him back down on the floor. "Ahem." America cleared his throat, reminding us that we weren't alone. "I guess it's my queue to leave, I'll leave it up to you two to figure this out, byee!" The American turned around and left my bedroom, leaving me and Mexico alone...together. "Can we change now? I really wanna see how this turns out." Before Mex could even answer, I snatched the bigger sized onesie — which turned out to be a wolf onesie — and dashed to the bathroom to change.

When I finished changing, Mex was already in the sheep onesie, looking adorable. "Awwww, you look adorable, thank you Mex!" I cooed, petting him on the head. "Yeah, yeah. You're not so bad yourself, you big bad wolf!" He had to jump in order to reach my head. The two of us laughed as we left my bedroom and flopped down onto the couch in the living room, and watched some television together.

572 words, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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