Part 57

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Authors note:
Heyy... how ya'll doin..?
Alright, alright, I was absent for about three months or something, I am so sorry, school is stressing me out, I have been busy because my agenda was suddenly so full and doing all those things literally made me sick (idk how, my body's weird) then I had to deal with some personal stuff and some mental health, and apparently I have my first for real crush?? (Guys I'm falling and it's BAD,)
Also, I just made some great friends at school and seems like we're breaking apart cause everyone's getting new schedules and UGH, shits been so stressful!

Sorry about that rant, I want to wish you all the best in 2024 and hope you had some great Holidays, please forget I was ever absent and read the story like nothing happened,
Much love, Maze<3

(This is not proofread)

Diana walked down towards the dungeons, she was going to face the inevitable. She needed some things to help the seventh years as they had a rather difficult test coming up and she was going to explain and show step by step how to make a certain potion.

But now she needed to ask Slughorn for some of the ingredients and she had successfully dodged him for three weeks... well, that's was coming to an end now.

"Ah, Miss Diana, how great to see you!" He said as she closed the door of the classroom behind her.

"Professor Slughorn, it's been a while," she smiled at him, not wanting to share her whole life story in the classroom right now, she went straight to the point. "I wanted to ask for some ingredients I need for one of my lessons later today," she said, hoping to dodge the questions.

"Yes, yes of course, do tell me, my dear," he said as he led her over to the supply closet.

"I am showing them how to make poly juice position by going through it step by step so they'll remember it in their upcoming test," she explained. "I'll need lacewing flies, leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knot grass and shredded boomslang skin," she said and he grinned as he started grabbing the right jars containing said ingredients.

"You know class, Miss Sardothien here was one of my best students, she could remember every single potion ingredient and how to make it from the top of her head, without using her book," he said as he handed the woman some jars.

"Well, that didn't mean I hand had a few potions blow up in my face in both my first and second year," she said and he chuckled while shaking his head.

"Yeah, you could remember but doing it was another thing," he said with a wide grin. "That was until I paired you with mister Black of course, those where some of the best made potions I have seen in my life," he patted her on the back.

"See class, your astronomy professor here is the perfect example, just because you what the ingredients are, doesn't mean you know how to make the potion," he said and Diana shared a look with Pip who snorted in her hand at the back handed compliment.

"Right, I will leave you to it here, my class starts in ten minutes," she said before quickly walking out.

Slughorn was nice of course, but he got on her nerves sometimes, especially with the way he played favourites.

The next day, Diana couldn't help but notice the quick glances Hermione shot her so now and then while in her class.

So, after the class was finished, she requested the girl stayed for a moment so Diana could ask what was going on.

"You wanted to talk to me, Dia- I mean Professor Sardothien?" Hermione walked to her desk as the last few students left the classroom.

"Yes," Diana sat behind her desk as she looked at the girl who looked rather nervous. "I wondered if there is something wrong, you seem a bit wary, is everything alright?" She gave the young girl a concerned look.

"Oh," she said with a small laugh. "Yeah well, Pippa took me aside yesterday and uh-" Diana laughed as the girl gave her a sheepish smile.

"I see, you found out about Crookshanks?" She asked and the girl nodded. "How are you coping with the news?" She asked.

"Well I was rather surprised, I always thought Pip looked a lot like Sirius and even suspected she was his daughter, but now it all makes sense," she shook her head slightly with a smile as if it all dawned on her again. "I never knew you had a relationship with Sirius' brother," she said making Diana chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't mention it often, it's not really a secret, I just never thought to mention it..." she trailed of a bit and fiddled with her fingers. "It was a touchy subject for a long time," she said softly and Hermione gave her a sad look.

"But hey, he is alive, so I couldn't be happier, and I have a daughter who loves me and doesn't hate me even though I had to leave her," she chuckled.

"Pippa admires you so much, she talks about you non stop, you know that?" Hermione asks with a small grin and and a huge smile formed on Diana's face.

"Really?" She asked and Hermione nodded, making a giddy feeling resign in her stomach.

"You should get going to your next class, I don't want you to be late because of me," she then said and Hermione nodded.

"Right, thank you," Hermione said before leaving the classroom.

Diana's gaze lingered on the door for a few moments longer before she grabbed a piece of parchment and some ink to write a letter.

Dear Padfoot,

I haven't gotten a letter in a while, am I getting the silent treatment or are you busy?

I think Snape is ruining DADA for Harry, I've noticed his grades going down there and he is absolutely amazing in that class! Can't you ask Rem to start teaching again?

Also, I wondered if I left my blue dress back at grimmauld place, can you go and see if it's there? I know you don't like going there now that you're a free man, but that's my favourite dress and I want it back!

Talking about you being a free man? How does it feel? Have you gone horse riding with Remus yet? You mentioned you wanted to do that, if you did, please tell me there are pictures and also please tell me that you fell at least once!
Pip has been going on and on about wanting to go shopping with you by the way, the Hogsmeade weekends are starting soon, maybe come visit your niece and godson?

I think that was about everything I wanted to say, much love, Day.

She folded the letter and put it in an envelope, sealing it before leaving the room to get to the owlery.

On her way there, she bumped into Tonks who walked the halls with an empty look on her face.

"Tonks, love, are you alright?" She asked, laying a hand in the young woman's arm. The girl who's hair was silver looked at her a bit lost.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" She asked and Diana gave her a concerned look.

"You don't look fine," she said with a light frown. "Do you want a cup of tea? You have a long night ahead with patrolling the halls after all," she suggested with a smile but Tonks shook her head.

"No, I'm fine, I promise," she tried to give a reassuring smile. "I'll come drink tea another time with you, alright?"

"If you say so, you are welcome in my office anytime alright?" Diana gave her a warm smile that was answered with a small nod before she walked on.

Weird... maybe she should send Remus a letter aswel, she noticed him getting closer with her over the summer.

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