"Oh, Harry." Mrs Weasley sobbed. She pulled Harry into a bone crushing hug. "You're right. No one can replace Lily and James. But, I hope you know you're just as much our son as the others."

"I do." Harry nodded against her shoulder. "Thank you. For everything."

"You're welcome, dear." Mrs Weasley said softly. She pulled away and straightened her back, standing tall. "Come now, enough of this crying nonsense. We've got a wedding to throw."

Harry grinned and nodded his head. "Let's get this show on the road."


The large garden was bustling with strangely dressed men, women, and children. A large white marquis was erected in the large, neatly trimmed paddock. She had to double take when she realised the marquis appeared to be floating in midair. No ropes or poles were attached to the white canvas. The sight made her shrink back a little. This was way out of her usual comfort zone. The other guests around her chatted and laughed animatedly, obviously all familiar with each other. However, she couldn't see a single person she recognised, besides her son beside her. She almost couldn't believe all these people had gathered for Harry's wedding. She wasn't even aware of what Harry's new bride looked like. The only reason she knew her name was thanks to the large red and gold sign at the entrance.

'Welcome to the wedding of Mr Harry James Potter and Miss Ginevra Molly Weasley.'

She shuffled closer to her son as more people walked towards the marquis, eager to find a seat before the ceremony started. They stood at the back, blending in with the crowd and hiding from sight. And then, she saw him. No longer was Harry a scrawny, skinny little boy. No. Now, he was a man. A man with a tall, muscular frame, scars, and a smile she'd never seen before. The tiny, defenceless infant that had been dropped on her doorstep was gone. Instead, he was a man who'd clearly been through a lot.

"Look, Mum, there's Harry." Dudley whispered.

"I see." Petunia nodded.

"I can't believe he knows so many people." Dudley said, glancing around the crowded marquis.

But Petunia couldn't take her eyes off her nephew. He stood at the alter, his hands in his trouser pockets, chatting to a man with bright red hair. Petunia recognised him from the times she'd collected Harry from King's Cross after he'd been at that magic school. Rob or something. The one with the large family of redheads who all dressed weirdly. Three more redheaded men stood behind them, joining in the chatter and laughter. Harry didn't look awkward in the slightest. In fact, he looked incredibly comfortable amongst these men.

The music for the brides entrance started, and the marquis fell silent. Those that were seated stood up, all turning to the entrance with wide grins and misty eyes. Petunia watched eagerly as a slender woman with vibrant red hair entered. She was beautiful. Her dress hugged her figure perfectly, showing off her curves. A bright smile accompanied the sprinkling of freckles on her face, and her hair flowed freely down her back. Petunia was reminded of her sister, Lily. It seemed the Potter's had a type.

Her gaze flicked to her nephew, observing the bright smile and the love in his eyes as he watched his bride walk towards him. He looked like the happiest man on earth, but Petunia felt a heaviness in her heart.


His heart was beating so fast that he was sure it would give out at any second. Never in his life had Harry seen anything quite as beautiful as the woman about to become his wife. Her beauty was enough to steal the breath from his lungs. The closer she got to him, the bigger Harry's grin stretched across his face. Arthur Weasley walked beside her, looking like the proudest father there was. As they reached the front, Mr Weasley took Ginny's hand and placed it in Harry's.

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