1. Marriage

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The church

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The church

*TW: mentioned of rape, bestiality*

Gerard Way sat behind the wheel of his car, the rhythmic swish of the wipers barely keeping up with the onslaught of rain. A week had passed since he summoned the courage to confront his deeply religious parents with the truth: he was bisexual. But instead of acceptance, their reaction had been swift and unforgiving. They couldn't reconcile their beliefs with his revelation. In their eyes, his sexuality was a sin, a stain on their family's honor. So, they concocted a plan to salvage their reputation: an arranged marriage to a woman named Hayley Williams. Gerard's stomach churned at the thought. He had spent years hiding his true self, afraid of the consequences. And now, just as he had dared to embrace his identity, he found himself shackled to a future he never wanted. Taking a deep breath, Gerard pulled into the parking lot of the wedding venue. The rain showed no signs of letting up as he climbed out of the car.

Deep down, he knew the truth: he was in love with a man. And not just any man, but the town's religious pastor, Frank Iero. Their relationship was a tightly guarded secret, hidden away from prying eyes and wagging tongues. They couldn't be together openly, not yet. But as long as they had each other, they could weather any storm. Gerard got out of the car and stood at the front of the church, where Hayley was already waiting and they exchanged a polite nod. As they stood there in silence, Gerard couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Hayley had refused to go through with the marriage. As they waited outside, Hayley turned to Gerard, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know you don't love me," she said softly, "but maybe we could try to make this work." Gerard's jaw clenched at her words, the bitterness rising in his throat. How could she expect him to pretend, to live a lie for the rest of his life? But deep down, he wished he could tell her the truth, to confess that his heart belonged to another. Instead, he forced a cold smile and shook his head. "Don't delude yourself, Hayley," he snapped, his tone sharper than intended. "This marriage is a sham, and you know it as well as I do."

Hayley's eyes widened in hurt, but before she could respond, the doors of the church swung open, signaling the start of the ceremony. As they walked down the aisle, Gerard leaned in close to Hayley, his voice barely a whisper above the murmurs of the guests. "I know we're supposed to be married," he admitted, "but I can't find it in my heart to love you." Hayley's smile faltered for a brief moment, but she quickly regained her composure, plastering on a smile for the watching eyes of the guests. "It's okay, Gerard," she whispered back. "We'll figure it out." But Gerard knew there was no figuring it out. His heart belonged to someone else, someone he could never openly declare his love for. As they reached the end of the aisle, Gerard's heart skipped a beat when he saw Pastor Frank standing there, ready to officiate their wedding. He tried so hard not to stare, to keep his gaze fixed on Hayley, but his eyes kept drifting to the man he loved. Frank met his gaze briefly before he turned his attention to the ceremony. Gerard felt a surge of guilt wash over him, knowing that he was betraying Frank in the worst possible way.

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