Chapter 6

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Manny fell back asleep, sleeping next to Ellie, Crash and Eddie slept near each other, Eddie with a stick in his nose and you slept in the tree, moon shining on you from a distance Buck watch you while you slept. Diego jump up near Buck 

"Um.. Buck you okay?" "Jolly, why you ask?" Buck turn to Diego and Diego shrugged. "Do you want me to keep watch?" "nah tiger, I'm good"  Buck smiled, Diego turn to what Buck was staring at and he chuckled "Ahh. I see, You should get to know her" "Hmm?" "Y/N.. sweet girl, met her when she was 6, she lived with Manny since she was a few months old... Her family's blood and fur surrounded her when Manny found her. Manny basically raised her - Diego look over to Buck who was looking at him with a serious look - Don't believe me? ask Manny. -Diego walked away- Night Buck".  Buck looked back at you, he sighed. "Yeah.. your right" he said to himself as he leans back onto a tree

Reader POV

I open my eyes, feeling heat on my face. I gasp as I see the sunset, looking beside me, I see berry salad with cheese and salami. I gasp, my stomach growling, I start eating and hear someone clear their throat, looking up I see Buck. He walks up to me with a beautiful flower in his hand "Morning!! I brought you some salad to tell you... I trust you" he look down shyly. I chuckle "Oh.. you trust me, huh? - I finish my breakfast- thats cute" I say as I walk up to him "Yeah.. Why?" "That's to bad, because I live for the adventure of Buck.. What fun is it when you go mushy on me?" I giggle as I circled him while I spoke. I walk in front of him for the last time, before swishing my tail below his nose and walking off. Buck chuckles as he jumps to the others "Okay everyone, let's continue, we are losing daylight" He bosses, he turns to me and I smirk at him. 

walking into a run down area, vegetables and bones around the path as everyone walks through. I walk beside Ellie then Buck stopped "Everybody stop! I smell something. - Buck smells the ground till he stops at a patch of hair and picks it up with the end of his sword- Hmm, smells like a buzzard's butt fell off. And then got sprayed on by a bunch of skunks." He looks at the herd with a disgust look, Diego smiles "That's Sid." "Mammals, We have ourselves a crime scene. A tuft of fur. Half-eaten carcass. Hunk of... - he turns broccoli and the step broke, Buck groans- Oh, no! Broccoli. Here's what I think happened: Dinosaur attacked Sid. Sid fights back with piece of broccoli, leaving dinosaur, a vegetable." I shake my head "Are you nuts? Sid's not violent, or coordinated." I tell Buck, I sigh "where's the dinosaur anyway?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning my weight on one leg and popping out my hip.  "All right -Buck chuckles- all right. Good point Theory two. Sid's eating broccoli. Dinosaur eats Sid. Dinosaur steps on broccoli, leaving broccoli, a vegetable."

Manny groans and step forward "Buck, when exactly did you lose your mind?"

"Hmm... three months ago. I woke up one morning married to a pineapple, an ugly pineapple. But I loved her." Buck says, making me laugh and shaking my head.

"Uh, Buck? I think you missed a little clue over here."

"Well, your friend might be alive, but not for long. Rudy's closing in." Buck says, everyone looked forward and our mouths dropped "Whoa..." "You got it. The Plates of Woe or whatever's left of them." I look at the broken scene, 'I have a bad feeling' I thought to myself as I followed Buck "Single file everyone. Head for Lava Falls." 

Everyone continued to walk behind Buck, the wind coming from the walls, I tremble lightly as I walked beside Buck. "What's that sound?" Eddie ask, "It's the wind. It's speaking to us."

"What's it saying?" Crash ask

"- I don't know. I don't speak Wind." I laugh shaking my head at Buck. Buck smiles toward me "So.. Cause we are the last of the weasels.. what do we do now?" Buck ask, I look over to him and I shrug "Stick together" "I'd like tha-" Before Buck can finish, the ground below us shook and we started falling, 

"Get to the ledge" Manny yells toward Ellie as everything started falling, Buck grab me and I fell on top of his chest, both of us safely fell into a bush, I quickly stood up and helped him up "Let go"


Buck sat their for a bit, he place him hand on his chest and his heart beat fast, he quickly shook his head and ran in the direction of everyone else. Running back, Manny was searching for Ellie, till her voiced was heard and everyone looked up to see her safely on the edge "It's okay! I'm up here!" 

"Hang on, Ellie! We'll be right there!" You yelled up, a roar was heard, making you turn to the sound "Rudy." Buck said, "Rudy?" You ask, running to Buck as Sid is heard screaming "Never heard that kind of dino before." "That's Sid!" I grab Buck's arm

"We'll have to move fast." Before you could move, Ellie yelled "Manny, pineapples!"


"She gets cravings." Manny tells Buck

"Pomegranates, grapefruits, nectarines."

"She's ordering a fruit cocktail." Diego walks up, hearing Ellie talk to herself "Come on, think. Peaches!"

"Peaches...? Peaches! The baby! W-W-What now?!" Manny starts freaking out, you sighed. Trying to get Manny to calm down 

"This not good." Diego says as Manny gets into Crash and Eddie's personal space "The baby's coming, did you guys hear that?! 'Cause sometimes I imagine it in my head. But I heard..." Manny runs off.

"Can you try to hold it in?" Crash ask, You chuckle 

"Can somebody slap him for me?"

Eddie slaps Crash "Done and done. " dusts off hands, Crash growls before pouncing onto him.

"Just sit tight, we're coming!" You yell up, Buck starts leading "There's only one thing to do. Possums, your with me. Manny you take care of Ellie until we get back and Y/N.." "I got it, I'm gonna help Manny" Buck walks to you "Stay safe" he said, you giggle "Don't be mushy on me now" You tell him as Manny walks up "No, you can't leave now. She's off the trail. What about rule number #2?"

"Rule number #5 says, you can ignore rule number #2, if there's a female involved... or possibly a cute dog. You know I just make up these rules as I go along." Buck says "Yeah, but, but, but... she's... you have to." "- Manny, it's alright. We got your back." Diego says as you lean against a rock 

Manny nods "Okay.. Y/N Your the fastest, I need you to run up and get to Ellie before us" 

You nod "Got it" you run off, quickly getting to Ellie before getting caught by any dinosaurs or the surface moving again. finally reaching Ellie "Hey Ma" "Y/N.. I'm scared.." "Hey.. I'm right here" You tell her as Ellie lays down "Daddy's, daddy's coming. I gotta say sweet heart, you really got timing..." Ellie says to her stomach and you grab her hoof "You got this" You tell her as you looked out to Manny and Diego.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs- Reader X BuckWhere stories live. Discover now