Chapter 4

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The Herd continue to walk, following behind Buck, you walk beside him and kept looking at him, looking away when he looked at you. you held your sword's handle as it's in the hoister. 

Reader POV

Crash and Eddie nervously looked around till screaming is head, freaking them out. "Do you think the beast will find Sid?" "Or, uh, more importantly, us?" Crash and Eddie ask, making buck stop, he goes at Crash and Eddie to freak them out more. 

"Rudy? Are you joking? He's relentless. He knows all. Sees all. Eats all. So that's a yes." he smirks, I look forward at a huge dinosaur, I step back slowly "Uh... Buck?" Ready to grab your sword out, Buck turn around, he rolls his eye "Hey, get off my lawn! Go on. Shoo." The dinosaur turn into a butterfly, my mouth drop "I knew that guy when he was a caterpillar. You know, before he came out." Buck chuckled. Diego walk's up to him "So you're just living down here by your wits, all on your own, no responsibilities?" "Not a one! It's incredible. No dependence, no limits, the greatest life a single guy could have." Buck smiles, he looks over to me "It's sucks.." he mumbles before walking off

"Hear that? This is my kind of place." Diego tells Manny, turning to Buck. He picks up a rock and places it oh his ear

"Hello? Yeah, no, no. No, I can't talk right now. Yeah, no, I'm trying to recover a dead sloth. - Buck chuckles- They're following me. I know! They think I'm crazy. No, oh, okay. We're going into the Chasm of Death, I'm-I'm gonna lose you. - he starts whispering- Yeah, I love you mom, yes I am eating. Alright, goodbye. Goodbye, goodbye." he tosses the rock away, smiling at everyone "Okay, follow me!" Buck walks off and Manny smirks at Diego "That's you in three weeks." I laugh, jumping onto Diego's back. 

"So you haven't old me.. Why are you trying to leave?" "Because everyone is getting older and I feel like as a single guy.. I'm not getting any younger and I wanna find a mate.. like you should be thinking of.. a mate" Diego said, placing you on the ground and pushing you forward toward Buck. I gulp as I shook my head "I-.. I'm not sure" my cheek's burn. I run up to Buck, feeling Diego smiling at us, I look over my shoulder to see him and Ellie smiling at us. 

Buck smiled over at me "Hey wildflower" he nudge me lightly and I smile at him, continuing the walk, soon we got to the Chasm of Death. surprised at how it look, I look over to Crash and Eddie looking down in the hole. Crash slowly drips his spit into it. Crash turns to buck "So, why do they call it the Chasm of Death?" Crash ask "Well we tried, "Big Smelly Crack," but, uh, that just made everybody giggle." he says jumping onto some vines "Well, now what?" Manny ask as Buck starts slicing at a vine and a dinosaurs ribcage came down, Buck jumps down, bowing to Me and Ellie "Madame... and my lady" Buck grabs my hand and try to guide me into the cage "Whoa. they're not doing that." Manny tried to protest and Buck jumps on his tusk "B-b-b-buh... Rule number #1. Come on, mammoth. You supposed to have a good memory." "Always listen to Buck." Ellie said as Buck jumps down and grabs my hand, bringing me onto to rib cage, making it creak. 

"Now, eyes forward, backs straight... and... oh, yes, - breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die." "Toxic fumes?"Ellie ask, Buck sighs happily as he cuts the vine "Just another day in paradise." "Wait!" Manny reaches out and we go flying down, I hold onto the bone of the cage, having fun

"Geronimo!" Buck yells, the cage came to the other side, crashing a bit and I went flying a bit. I laugh as Buck lands on me, he laughs as well. We smile at each other before Ellie clears her throat. Buck cleared his throat as well, pulling me up. "Yeah.. Anyways.. let's get the rest" Ellie, Y/N you girls okay?"

"You have to try this!" Ellie yells back, happy. 

" All right, now, pile on everyone, couldn't be easier." Buck says, as he pulls the ribcage back to them, they all pile up and got half way before getting stuck. Buck start's trying to pull them to the other side but seem to fail "Don't panic! Just some, uh, technical difficulties. Keep holding it in, boys." Buck chuckles, Ellie and I hear everything they said. I roll my eyes, leaning against a tree as I sharpen my knife with a rock, Buck goes inside to fix the problem. I hear him start laughing and I chuckle, Ellie sighs "Y/N come help me real quick" I get up from the tree and follow Ellie "Guess we gotta do everything huh?" Ellie looks at her stomach then me, I nod as we both pull the vine that pulls down a tree, bringing the tram down towards us.

They all came flying out, laughing. I walk up to Crash and Eddie with my arms cross. They look at me awkwardly as Manny looks up at Ellie "Uh... I'm not sure how much of that you could hear." "Oh, I heard all of it." Ellie says unimpressed with him, Manny chuckles "Right. Yeah.

"You wet my bed?"

"That was gas talk, dude." Crash tells Eddie, I roll my eyes as I walk away "Well, uh, better get moving." I hear Buck laugh hysterically in the Chasm of Death I look into the Chasm "Aren't we forgetting something?" I tell them, I see Buck sliding away on the vine "Here, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy! -laughs- I'm so lonely" Buck says honestly. I tilt my head "How long has Buck honestly been down here?" I ask myself as we wait for Buck.

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs- Reader X BuckWhere stories live. Discover now