Chapter 2

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The Dinosaur mama walk around looking for her babies, you see your herd and quickly jump off of her, you quickly run to Manny "Ellie!" "Y/N.. I thought those guys guys were extinct?" 

"Well, then that is one angry fossil -Manny turn to where Sid was- Sid!" looking around, he disappeared with the baby dinos, The mommy dinosaur, looked around, everyone froze to not disturb her "Nobody move a muscle" Manny says slowly before a small animal ran, screaming making the dinosaur upset. she destroys a snow bridge as she starts walking, Manny push Ellie and You out of the way, hearing a little cry. inside a rock cave, Momma T-Rex grabs the rock to reveal Sid with the baby dinosaurs and approaches him. as Sid guards the three baby Tyrannosaurs from the mother "Sid, give them to her! She's their mother!" 

"How do I know she's their mother?!"

"What do you want, a birth certificate?! SHE'S A DINOSAUR!"

"Well, I put the blood, sweat and tears to raise them!"

"For a day! Give them back, you lunatic!"

Sid, ignoring Manny, he points to Momma T-Rex "Look, these are my kids! And you're gotta have to go through me to get 'em!" he tries to protect the babies and Momma T-Rex carries them away "aaahhh!! help!" 

Reader POV 

Manny, Ellie, Crash, Eddie and I followed the Momma T-Rex's footprint, getting to the underground cave. we stop to take in what we possibly have to do. "Sid must be down there." I tell them, stabbing a patch of fur with my sword "Well, he's dead." "Real shame. He will be missed." Crash and Eddie say, trying to walk away, Ellie stop them with her trunk " Oh, no, no, no, no. Not so fast."

"Okay, Ellie, this is where I draw the line. You, Y/N, Crash and Eddie, back to the village." "Cute dad, cute." I roll my eyes, Ellie started walking "Yeah, that's gonna happen."

"Y/N, Ellie, you saw that thing! This is gonna be dangerous!"

Ellie picked me up, placing her on her tusk "Talk to the trunk."

"Oh, great. After we save Sid, I'm gonna kill him." he says before following Ellie, walking on a dinosaur's bone bridge. "Ellie, Ellie wait up!" Manny said, I roll my eyes and jump off of Ellie to take the lead. I walk out of the cave, seeing the world around me. Mouth drop at the beauty, the new smells. 

Manny and Ellie finally came up "Do you guys see this?" I ask, "We've been living above an entire world, and we didn't even know it

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Manny and Ellie finally came up "Do you guys see this?" I ask, "We've been living above an entire world, and we didn't even know it." Ellie says, a Ankylosaurus came out of nowhere and swings it's town down, I jump out of the way and growl at it. "Run for it! Hurry!" Manny's yells, as him and Ellie ran, Crash and Eddie played dead, Diego saved them and ran by us. "Diego! W-What are you doing here?"

"Sightseeing! I'm looking for Sid, same as you!" Diego says as we all ran, "Well! Aren't you noble?"

"This is not the time, guys! We need all the help we can get!" I tell them as we stop at a cliff. Turning back, I see that the dinosaur's tail is caught between a tail, Ellie turn toward another dinosaur, she grab some leaves to get it's head closer to us "Here, boy! Here! Come on Good boy!" she turn to us "Come on! Climb on."

-" Are you nuts?" Manny ask "We're not getting on that thing!"

"It's either this dinosaur or that one! - we turn to the other dinosaur that got his tail release- Pregnant lady wants to live! Yabba-dabba-doo!" She slides down the dinosaur as Crash and Eddie jumps on her back, I follow behind her and landed safely as for Manny, he ended up falling "Don't ever yabba-dabba do that again!" he says before looking around. Dinosaurs crowded us "I feel so puny." Manny said, I back up into his leg "How do you think I feel?" Crash ask, hiding behind me. 

A horn is heard, looking in that direction, my mouth dropped open, seeing a weasel. He swings on a vine, trying to get to us and the vine snapped, throwing him away from us, we look back at the dinosaurs. they stepped closer and the weasel jumped out of nowhere, throwing gas bombs on all of them "take cover!!" he screams before throwing one on the ground. I quickly ran to cover but ended up tripping and hurting my ankle, the same weasel grab me and brought me under water, he put his hand over my mouth as 3 dinosaurs walked by, almost stepping on me, the weasel pulled me closer to him, our noses touch and I felt myself warming up, I quickly resurface and quickly walk toward Manny and Ellie, my breathing was odd as I finally stop in front of them, Diego came up to me "You okay kiddo?" he ask, I nod. 

turning to see Crash in a grass skirt and Eddie running up to him "Dude, you're awesome. You're like the brother I never had." "Me, too." They said, before a sword is thrown between them and the weasel is twisted like a pretzel, Diego nudge me "Can you do that?" Diego ask and I shook my head still looking at the weasel, he untwisted as he came up to Crash and Eddie sniffing them. 

"Can we keep him?" Crash ask, I turn to Manny as he looks at both me and Ellie then out of nowhere the weasel jumps on Manny, making him scream. "Buck."


"The name's Buck. Short for Buckminster. Long for... -echoing- ...Buh. -he jumps down to see Diego "Aah... Hmm. A little dull. -he touch Diego's sharp tooth- What are you doing here?" Buck as, he turns to me, circling around me "Our friend was taken by a dinosaur." I tell him, lowering my gaze shyly "Well... he's dead. Welcome to my world! Now, uh, go home. Off you pop!" he says without care, "Not without Sid." I declared, he smirks at me and Manny steps between us "Y/N, wait, maybe the deranged hermit has a point." "No..Dad, we came this far, we're gonna find him." Manny Shrieks as Buck drops down in front of him. I look beside me where he was the first time but then back at him. "I found tracks" Diego said.

"If you go in there you'll find your friend...-Dramatically zooms in on his face; ominously- IN THE AFTERLIFE." Buck smiles, Crash held his tail as he walks up beside me "How do you know, oh great and wisely weaselly one?"

Buck jumps to the track, he licks the sand then spits it out "Yeah, um. Mommy Dinosaur carrying her three babies and some floppy green thing."

"Yeah, we're friends with the floppy green thing." Manny tells him

Diego smiles "You got all that from the tracks?" he ask, Buck dust his hands off "No, not really. I saw 'em come through here earlier. She's headed for Lava Falls. That's where they care for the newborns. To get there, you've got to go through the Jungle of Misery, across the Chasm of Death... the Plates of Woe."

Crash and Eddie: "Whoa." 

"Okay. Good luck with the slow descent into madness. We're gonna go now.

Buck stopping Manny and the herd from moving on "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! What, you-you think this is some sort of tropical getaway? You can't protect your mate, mate. What are you gonna do with those-those flimsy tusks -he touch Manny's tusk- when you run into the Beast? I call him... RUDY." I laugh "Oh, good. Good. I was worried it was something intimidating, like "Sheldon" or "Tim"." I said sarcastically, having Manny's sarcasm. 

"Wait. You mean there's something bigger than Mommy Dinosaur?"


" "Eye"?"

 "Aye-aye! He's the one that gave me this!"pointing to his missing eye, which is covered in a patch

"Whoa! He gave you that patch...?!" "For free?! That's so cool!"

"Yeah! -he starts shaking Crash- Maybe he'll give us one, too! -Crash and Eddie both laugh and high-five, while Crash is humming along- Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!" Buck feeling dumbfounded looks at Manny and me, we nod "Welcome to my world." Manny said before walking by him "Abandon all hope. Ye who enters there..." "Alright, we get it! Doom and despair, yada, yada, yada." 

The herd continue to walk, I turn to him and stick my tongue out at him, he chuckled as he shakes his head. 

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs- Reader X BuckWhere stories live. Discover now