J.M - argument

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Request : what if JJ and Yn had a big argument? Could the readers name be Elena please? 💜

‼️ warning : dramatic babies


Elena drove to the chateau after an argument with her mom. She was tired and just wanted to go see her boyfriend, JJ. Her day was rough and she was exhausted.

She opened the door and saw John B siting on the couch, scrolling on his broken phone.

"Hi John B. How are you?" asked Elena, smiling at the boy.

He slightly jumped.

"Gosh, you scared me. I'm good and you?"

"Tired. Is JJ home?"

She saw John B's smile lightly drop.

"He's in a bad mood and I don't know why. He had a rough week. I think his father is stressing him." confessed Kiara, who walked in.

Elena frowned. JJ hadn't said anything about being stressed. She thanked them and went to JJ's room, who was actually her room too. Elena knocked on the door gently, not wanting to frighten him if he was asleep.

"Kiara, I don't want to see you. Go away." Said JJ, without opening the door.

"Hey Jay, it's Elena. Can I come in?"

A few seconds passed before JJ opened the door. He was wearing the same clothes he'd been wearing two days ago, his hair was a mess and dark circles covered his face.

"Oh baby, are you okay?" asked the girl, concerned.

"Do I fucking look okay? Whatever." he muttered as he went back to sitting on his bed, picking up his phone.

At other times, Elena would probably have been offended that he'd taken that tone with her, but she knew he'd had a big week and it was normal to be irritated.

"Do you want to talk to me about it? If not we can cuddle while watching a movie. I can prepare you
Pancakes, if you wish." she smiled, rubbing his back.

"God Elena you're so clingy! Just get me some space, fuck! Is that too hard to ask? Go home. I don't want to see you." JJ shouted.

Elena stood up, fighting back tears. Ever since she was little, she'd developed a phobia of anyone raising their voice at her because of her abusive father. And Jj knew this, so he never shouted at Elena. No matter how tired or angry he was, he was always calm.


Elena left the house in tears, ignoring her two friends. She settled into her car, but soon realized it wasn't safe for her. She left her phone in the car and started walking for several minutes. Minutes turned into hours and night fell. It must have been around midnight and Elena found herself like an idiot on the road, alone and without a phone. She cursed herself for being so stupid. "Maybe JJ doesn't love me anymore, or found me repulsive, or want me dead, she thought."

Deep down, she knew JJ would never think that, but she couldn't help it. She was being dramatic but couldn't help it. Why was he so frustrated? Elena sat on the side of the highway, exhausted, dazed and with tears streaming down her cheeks.

After a few hours, I calmed down. Lately, I'd been getting tired of Luke. He was a toxic man but I still needed a father. Seeing him everyday drunk, being punched and insulted was starting to wear on me. I wanted to have a loving father and looking at him Elena was worried about me made me feel like shit.

Also, Elena was a kook. And she wasn't really liked when she started to hang up with us. I'd seen lots of hate about her, her body, rumors that she was hanging out with us because she lost a bet. I was irritable and didn't want to be alone.
After a long nap, I felt better and decided to go and eat. I'd take the opportunity to apologize to Elena for earlier. On my way downstairs, I saw Kiara and John B sitting on the couch, watching a movie.

"Hi." I said.

"Where the fuck have you been Jayk?" Liars said to me.

"Why are you so mad?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why are we fucking mad? Jj, you've been to mean towards us for nothing! And Elena. God, you made her cry and leave. Good job asshole." John B said aggressively, without shouting.

Had I made Elena cry?

"My bad. Where is she?"

"I think she's gone home," says Kiara.

I picked up my phone and tried to call her, but after three calls, nothing. She was probably still mad at me, but it wasn't like her not to answer me, even if we were in a beef. I went outside to see if her car was still here and to my astonishment, it still was. 

"Why is her car still here?" I asked.

"What do you mean? It left four hours ago."  


Elena POV'S.
I felt someone touch my arm, making me jump. I could still hear the sound of cars, meaning I was still on the freeway. I opened my eyes painfully, heavy from tears.


"Hi baby, what are you doing here? It's so dangerous." JJ whispered, rubbing my back.

"Im sorry, I wanted to go for a walk." I murmured, still asleep.

"Don't apologize, love. I'm sorry I screamed at you. I love you. Please come home with us."


"I'm never doing that again. We were worried." JJ said as he took his lover in his arms, kissing the top of her head.

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