J.B - little sister

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‼️ warning : hurt

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‼️ warning : hurt


John B is a teenager, no more special than anyone else. He's surrounded by good people, not necessarily good influences, but people who love him for who he is.

His father was lost at sea nine months ago, but he refuses to believe it. Apart from his friends' visits to the chateau, it's just him. And his sister. Y/N is John B's little sister. She's sixteen, he's seventeen.

She was full of energy, ready to have fun and drink with her friends, the pogues. Pogues were poor, compared to the look. They liked to surf, smoke and drink. They did all this in poverty, unfortunately.

As a hurricane hits, foster care was delayed. Of course, y/n decides to surf during the hurricane.
John B was already asleep and she slipped out of the chest eau. Adrenalin made her feel emotions she couldn't even describe. She felt Alive.

Her bare feet walked on the sand. The sand was cold and the wind hit her face. Her hair was tied in a braid. It was very dark, and only the old streetlamp could make out to the ocean.

The sky was gray and windy and the waves huge.
She'd never surfed in waves this big. They must have been as high as a house, maybe higher. Y/N was alone. It was a very bad idea, but John B wouldn't want her to go surfing. Since their father had disappeared, he'd felt protective of her.

She ran into the water with the board under her arm. She started surfing. Everything was going well, she was laughing at the top of her lungs. Y/N released her sadness and anxiety into her surf. She suddenly saw a boat in the distance, which distracted her for a few seconds from her wave.

These few seconds seemed fatal. The wave seemed to end but Y/N was about to turn her surf, putting more pressure on her outside foot.

Her foot slipped and she fell off her board. Usually, this wasn't a problem, but the waves kept coming and coming. She tried to get out of the water but the current seemed to pull her backwards. She pushed herself forward as hard as she could, but it was no use. She was stuck in the waves.

Y/N tried to get back on her surfboard, but her hands were shaking. She tried to keep calm.

The brunette noticed the darkness of the ocean. She'd never noticed it, but she couldn't see her feet. Who knew what lay beneath her? Panic gripped her as she tried to bring her feet to the surface as much as possible.

Tears had escaped her eyes. She was crying, but as soon as she opened her mouth to catch her breath, water came in.

She felt her hands and feet go dizzy. She felt dizzy and her head was spinning horribly.

Her jaw felt limp. It was the worst possible moment, but young Routledge was having a panic attack in the middle of a storm. She leaned on her board and suddenly felt herself leaving.

Due to her panic attack, she had fainted.


John B woke up a few hours later, alarmed. He had a gut feeling that something was wrong. He had a gut feeling. The dark-haired man got dressed and walked to his sister's room. It was empty, the bed still made. Y/n wasn't supposed to leave the house tonight. It was almost daylight. The storm had destroyed part of the town, but John B ignored the damage. He walked along the beach for a few minutes, calling out his sister's name.

The teenager knew she liked to walk in the morning to clear her head.

He took a few steps and saw someone sleeping on the beach. He approached her and the brown hair creased his eyebrows. Those curls remind him of someone. It was his little sister. He ran to her. His little sister was unconscious, her lips blue.

Her fingers were freezing and she was shivering.

"Y/N? Can you wake up?" He said, in panic.

He tried to feel her pulse, but her hands were shaking horribly.

He called for an ambulance right away. He suspected it would cost money, but he didn't care.

"Why did you surf now? You can be so stupid." He said, trying to wrap her up while help arrived.

Her body was cold but he was doing his best to warm her up. Y/N still hadn't woken up, but she seemed calmer, as if she knew John b was by her side.
John B could hear the ambulance coming from a distance, but his gaze never left his sister's face.

"Can you wake up, please?" he begged, his eyes filling with tears.

A man tried to talk to him, but John b wouldn't let her go. He didn't want to fail in his role as big brother again.

"Sir, we're going to need you to take a step back." He warned.

John B stood up quietly, but his body moved in slow motion. Everything seemed unreal.

She was taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. Luckily, she was fine and just had a broken wrist and concussion.


When she woke up, the brunette didn't recognize the room. The light was bright for her eyes and took some getting used to.

John B was sitting on a sofa to her left, asleep.

B?" Y/N murmured, his voice hoarse.

He woke up immediately, in a panic. His eyes rested on his sister.

"God, you scared me. What happened in your head to make you go surfing in a hurricane?" He murmured, still looking shocked.

She lowered her head in shame.

"I wanted to have adrenaline. You wouldn't have let me go."

"We can see why." He replied coldly.

There was a heavy silence.

"But I'm glad you're okay. You scared me."

John b took her in his arms.

"I'm sorry, B."

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