P.H - car crash

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Requests: none
‼️warning : car crash

Pope was watching a movie in his living room, well, John B's. JJ was sleeping on his lap like a little girl. He was listening to Lord of the Rings, waiting for Y/N to arrive. For Valentine's Day, they'd planned to watch romantic movies while eating sushi, in a different room of course. They maybe would go to the restaurant.

Night fell slowly. Pope's phone began to vibrate, a call from his valentine. He smiled softly when he say who called him.

"Hello Pope" she had whispered softly on the phone after a few seconds.

"Why are you whispering, we're on the phone" he replied, smiling.

Nobody made him happy like y/n did. They'd been a couple for five months now, and their little quarrels were rare. Everything was perfect in their relationship. They were intelligent and planned for a great future.

"The car crashed on a truck." murmured Y/N.

Y/N felt dizzy and each words hurts her head. There was blood everywhere. The brunette couldn't open her right eyes, there was glass in it.

Pope's smile disappeared. Was she hurt?

"What do you mean? Are you hurt?" the boy asked, concerned.

"I love you, Pope." she murmured breathlessly.

Pope straightened up, waking JJ in the process. He ran a hand through his hair nervously. He grabs his keys and a jacket.

JJ, who was at first frightened at having been woken up, looked worried when he saw his friend's face.

"What's the matter?" he said.

"I don't think I can make it. The ambulance is taking forever" Y/N stopped talking.

"Darling, are you still there? Where are you?" he questioned.

"I'm sorry."

"Listen to me, you're going to survive, you're going to make it. I can't wait to see your beautiful face. Stay awake for me, please." he said as he got back into John B's car. "Where are you?"

"I'm on third..." her voice cuts off. "I'm not going to make it, don't come for me. I'll be okay."

"Y/N don't say that, where are you?!" he exclaims.

"I love you."

Y/N hangs up. Pope rests his head on his steering wheel, releasing several tears. His heart seemed to give out with every sob he let out.


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