26: The Multitude Of Mysteries

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(Y/n) was running down Ploymus Mountain as fast as she could with her webbed feet, seeking to urgently find the king to report what had just happened up at Mipha Court. By the look of things, she figured the king already was looking into what was causing this strange sludge.

As (Y/n) looked around her environment while running down the mountain, she spotted a sight that made her jolt in fear. Blinking a few times to make sure she was seeing it correctly, (Y/n) spotted a creature flying around the sky... while holding what was a very clear Lizalfos in its grip. Holding in the urge to scream in horror at having to see monsters again, (Y/n) made sure to stealthily evade them, continuing her trek down the mountain.

However, the further down she went, the worst it got. Not only did (Y/n) have to duck and dodge piles of sludge raining down from the sky, she also spotted what appeared to be a Lizalfos patrolling the very path she needed to take to get back. There was also a camp of Lizalfos situated nearby, an unbelievable sight that truly shook her to her core. The monsters were back... the very monsters she hoped she would never have to see again.

Lizalfos also had an incredible speed, so if she was caught by one, it would be very difficult to run away from them, especially in the state that she was currently in. Her legs in her Zora state were far shorter than her Hylian legs, given the Zora's elongated torso.

Feeling her heart sink, and biting her lip, (Y/n) tried as quietly as she could to evade the monsters. Upon hearing an abrupt croak, (Y/n) felt her blood turn to ice as she turned her head and spotted the very patrolling Lizalfos looking at her.

There were two options, and neither one of them were good. She made a promise to Sidon to be careful.

Outrunning a Lizalfos seemed futile, so (Y/n) chose the only option she had that seemed feasible.

To fight.

Happy she always carried basic gear with her, (Y/n) went to unsheathe her traveler's sword and use her Zora shield that she had acquired while living in the Domain, getting into her fighting stance. The shield was glorious as usual, but for some reason, her sword...

Was completely decayed.

The shock of seeing her once pristine weapon in such a state, when it was just fine when she went up to Mipha Court with Sidon, took (Y/n) aback. "B-But... how?..."

It was in that moment of confusion that the Lizalfos decided to leap up to attack her, which (Y/n) was able to counter last second by guarding herself with her shield. Due to the sheer force of the Lizalfos' jump, however, it knocked her back, making her lose her balance.

Gritting her teeth, (Y/n) scrambled to get back up, holding the hilt of her sword tighter. Decayed or not, a weapon was still a weapon.

When the Lizalfos would attempt to attack her next with a whip of its tongue, (Y/n) deflected the attack with her shield, staggering the enemy. Using this opportunity, she went to attack the monster with her decayed sword, which she also found did not pack as much power as it used to in its current mysterious state.

So many odd occurrences were happening simultaneously, and (Y/n) just knew the ominous energy she sensed from below Hyrule Castle was the source of all this madness. There was so much dark power lingering from those depths, she was able to sense it even while far away.

With some patience, and careful dodging and deflecting, (Y/n) was able to vanquish the Lizalfos, though this act did leave her a bit ragged. She was more accustomed to fighting bokoblins than she was with the Lizalfos, and fighting just one left her tired. She could feel that her weakened sword was also just a hit or two away from completely shattering, a fact that scared her. She was so close to a camp of Lizalfos, and she was nowhere near down the mountain.

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