4: The Beginning of Strange Correlations

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When (Y/n) finally went to retire for the night, she felt herself get drawn to a deep sleep. Unsure if it was just her weariness from her journey or the effects of the blissful water bed, it mattered not as she soon felt herself pulled into a dream.

A dream, that was quite strange, and not like the dreams she was accustomed to having, which usually had to do with her daily life or past memories of hers.

This... Was far too peculiar.

As if watching a play in real time, (Y/n) spotted a woman in strange robes, donning jewelry that looked quite familiar to the jewelry she would make at her shop.

The woman had her hands clasped in prayer, and she appeared to be in a snowy area, in a spring where she kneeled before a goddess statue before her.

"Please, Goddess Hylia, give me the answers I seek. These visions of mine... What do they mean? What is this darkness I sense approaching, and the light that comes to combat it? Please, answer my prayers." She murmured softly, her eyes closed in concentration.

Upon watching her, (Y/n) felt a strange sense of Deja Vu.

What was this darkness she was talking about, and this light?

After being still for a moment, the woman's eyes then opened, a sort of... peaceful look appearing in her striking eyes. "I... see. Then I shall head there straight away."

The world then seemed to fade in a bright light, and (Y/n) felt herself returning back to reality.

Though her eyes were closed, she could sense that it was now morning. She stirred a bit in the bed for a while, before Kodah was lightly shaking her awake, amused by how (Y/n) would slowly stretch and yawn before getting up.

"Good morning, (Y/n). If you hurry, you can get some fish stew from the public kitchen!" She pointed out, which made (Y/n) more eager to fully wake up, and go to get this food. Luckily for her, living in Lurelin Village meant that she had eaten a lot of seafood, and was accustomed to it.

Though this fish stew was a bit more on the... blander side, admittedly, it was still quite filling, which is what she needed to start the day. She couldn't complain about free food!

After all, today would be the first day she set her shop up in Zora's Domain. She would set it in a corner in the square, where everyone could see it. Given the only things the Zora seem to wear are accessories, (Y/n)'s shop would no doubt bring a new style of fashion that the Zora are not accustomed to.

Upon setting up her shop, the little ones immediately made a beeline to her, their big golden eyes going to look at the shop in awe. They have never seen such trinkets before!

"What is that, Miss? Is it a mask of a monster?" One of the young Zora girls asked, nervously pointing to one of the masks (Y/n) had made.

(Y/n) giggled. "I do not believe so, no. According to what I have been told, it is supposed to depict the face of the ruler of an ancient race of people that lived up in the sky." She mused with a smile. That was what she was told about the mask... When she was a child. Obviously, it had to be some story made up by someone long ago in her family, since there was no way anyone could have lived up in the sky.

However, the whole truth of the mask, having just been a design made up from her ancestor, wouldn't be as interesting to tell the little minnows. Where was the splendor in that?

"People in the sky?! That sounds incredible! We have to find a way to go up there to meet them!" One of the other little Zora chirped with an excited bounce.

"We can't go up there. The sun is in the sky, and if we go up, we'll burn!" One of the minnows shuddered with fear.

"Then we need a way to go up there and not burn because of the sun..." The other little Zora hummed, before all the little ones were escorted away from (Y/n)'s shop by one of the older Zora.

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