25: The Catalyst

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In the upcoming weeks, things appeared to have returned to normal, with Princess Zelda's and Link's departure from Zora's Domain. They were going to continue their investigation into the strange gloom inflicting people, but not without the Princess getting a haircut first. She decided a change was needed for her because of being consistently out on the road, and she adored how her short hair suited her. Despite this new look, the princess promised (Y/n) that she would still cherish the hair covering that (Y/n) so graciously made for her, with Link promising he would always wear the hair clip that was made for him.

Such a gesture deeply touched (Y/n), and it made it all the more sorrowful when they had to part ways to continue their work. Of course, Zelda and Link couldn't stay forever, but the thought would have been nice. (Y/n) grew to be closer friends to the both of them. She bonded over reading some ancient texts with Zelda, and with cooking with Link. He taught her all sorts of recipes, both good and bad. Who would have thought that the royal knight of Zelda would be so into cooking?

It was also entertaining to see the hero of Hyrule getting into some silly pranks with Sidon, who acted like an unwitting accomplice. Link had asked Sidon to help him gather some bright eyed crabs for lunch, and when Sidon handed them over to him, Link walked right into the Coral Reef store, and unleashed them. The owner of the store, Cleff, thought that he had hit the jackpot when he began to scoop up all the crabs. Sidon's apologetic expression for helping aid in such a harmless prank was priceless to (Y/n), who would occasionally tease Sidon about it.

"No! W-What have you done, Link?! What if the crabs take over the store?! Bazz will not let me hear the end of this!" (Y/n) mimicked in Sidon's voice, causing the prince to blush softly as they shared a meal together, having decided to eat at the very top of Mipha Court to have some privacy. Due to how close the two have been to each other, it has became quite a mission for the two to be able to just be alone with each other since everyone had so many questions for them.

"I-It was a real concern! We have had incidents where bright eyed crabs did take over areas!" Sidon argued in his flustered state, only making (Y/n) laugh more. "S-Sidon, bright-eyed crabs are harmless! You have to admit, your reaction was adorable!" (Y/n) continued to giggle, holding her stomach as she rocked softly with laughter, a fact that only made the prince blush even more. He was not used to being seen in such a light, but he didn't particularly mind it with (Y/n). However, it still was a tad bit embarrassing for him, that he couldn't deny.

"A-Anyway, Zelda and Link should be in Hyrule Castle about now to investigate this gloom they have been getting reports about. I hope they are able to find the source of the gloom and stop it; it sounds like an illness." Sidon said as his eyes turned to look at Hyrule Castle in the distance. (Y/n) ceased laughing, and softly nodded at him. "Yes... But they have dealt with far more extreme situations before. I have no doubt they would be able to handle this gloom business, too." She smiled softly, a smile that Sidon returned to her.

"Of course. The situation with the Great Calamity was a fierce one, and yet together, they were able to finally put an end to it. I have no doubts they would be able to do the same with the cause of this strange illness going around." He nodded firmly, as (Y/n) began to ponder.

"You don't think that... Perhaps this gloom infliction could be caused by the Ocean Zora? They do show disdain for the Kingdom..." She spoke in a whisper to the prince, who stiffened at the idea. "I... Would hope not, but we do not know much about them, other than their past history. That... whirlpool ability of theirs is one we do not possess. I would not be surprised if there are other abilities they have that we may lack." Sidon murmured softly, before shaking his head.

"Regardless, whatever is going on is not something that we cannot handle, that I know for certain." Sidon gave an encouraging smile to the worried-looking (Y/n) beside him. "The Kingdom has many allies that surely outnumber those who oppose it."

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