23: The Champion Festival

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The prince seemed to be in much higher spirits the next couple of days, despite the Council Of Elders still trying to dissuade him from marrying (Y/n). There were rules and traditions put in place for a reason, and for the sole heir to try and break those rules?... It was nothing short of absurd, at least in their eyes.

Sidon would try every trick in the book to get out of meetings early, anything he could do to find more time in the day to spend with (Y/n) and his friends. Of course, Sidon's doting on (Y/n) only restarted previous rumors that the two tried to squash in the past. However, things were different between the prince and (Y/n) now. They actually were in love with each other and sure of it, so the rumors were nothing but the truth now.

The swimming lessons at night would go as usual, with them ending with (Y/n) doing her last check up on her Hylian body for the day. Princess Zelda and Link would always turn in early before the lessons would even begin, so they were none the wiser to Sidon's and (Y/n)'s rendezvous.

Though Sidon trusted his friends with secrets, it was not in his place to tell (Y/n)'s own secrets to them. Sidon just wanted to be mindful of her privacy, especially regarding such a complex matter.

Besides, now was not the day to divulge into any of those topics; It was the day of the Champion Festival.

Prince Sidon had to admit, he was not expecting the sheer volume of people that were in attendance. Perhaps the news of the respectable musicians that were hired to play at the festival had caused such a great turnout. Regardless, it made the prince happy to see so many wanting to partake in the festival. As expected, everyone was dressed to the nines. Sidon saw that a few of the Zora were wearing accessories that looked a lot like the ones (Y/n) would make. It made him so happy that his love was doing so well with her business. He hoped it would always flourish, just like the Domain.

Sidon wondered if he could spot (Y/n) or his friends in the crowd. He was told by Kayden to not visit the Inn today since (Y/n) would be getting ready there, and she wanted her look for the event to be a surprise to him. All that has done was make him ponder about what she would look like. Would she dress in a more Zora fashion, or a Hylian one? Would it be a fusion of the two? He had no doubt that whatever she would choose to wear would be lovely.

"Waiting on your lady, your highness?" Sidon heard a voice address him, as the prince turned to see the Captain of the Guard smirking at him.

"Naturally. Where are Zelda and Link?" Sidon inquired as he proceeded to look around. "Last I heard, they were having a discussion with Trello concerning the festival." Captain Bazz informed him, as Sidon nodded with smile. His eyes then caught sight of all the musicians that were setting up their instruments.

"I am very much looking forward to hearing the musicians play. There are so many of them on the second floor." Sidon noted with curious eyes. There was one minstrel in particular that really stood out, what with his vibrant blue plumage and the fact he was holding a very strange instrument in his possession.

"And do you perhaps know who that gentleman is? Is he from outside of Hyrule, perhaps?" Sidon asked with an inquisitive grin, causing Bazz to laugh. "No, your highness. He is Kass, a Rito from Rito Village. It is a settlement way out to the northwest, from what I hear. From what I overheard from the other musicians, he is exceptionally talented." The Captain informed the prince, who merely nodded, staring at the instrument the Rito bard was wielding.

Kass seemed to, like the other musicians, be testing out his instrument to make sure everything sounded right. When he did, it produced a sound, one of which was like nothing Sidon ever heard before.

"...The outside world truly is fascinating. There always seems to be something new to discover. I never seen or heard such an instrument before." Sidon murmured as he continued to grin, before he spotted his friends approaching the overarching balcony above the town's square. Following them were the members of the Council of Elders, which included the king's advisor, Muzu. He seemed somewhat pleased for once, which was a sight the prince seldomly saw. He assumed whatever meeting they had went well, by the smiles on his friends' faces.

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