2: The Start Of A New Life

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Since Lurelin Village was in the southern east of Necluda, that meant that (Y/n) was in for quite the trip. Not only that but, she had to do so... as a Zora.

From the few people she would cross paths with on the road, she always received the same bewildered look. After all, it was a completely uncommon sight for a Zora to travel so far away from home.

While in her current Zora state, (Y/n) would at least enjoy the times where it would rain. When she was in her original body, she often felt like a drenched rat when she would get caught in the rain, busy tending to her wares so they too didn't get ruined in the rain. Now, it felt quite refreshing to her... Which was a rather foreign feeling, she usually hated getting caught in the rain while on a long haul trip. The scent of her clothes when she would dry from the rain was far from pleasant, and now that she was a Zora, she needn't have that concern... Since the Zora do not necessarily wear clothes.

Given their aquatic lifestyles, it would make sense why fabric and water wouldn't mix that well, especially the usual fabric that the Hylians would wear. However, since (Y/n) had lived life as a Hylian up to this point, it took quite some getting used to with essentially walking around in the nude. Nothing would show, of course, but it was the principle that kept getting to her.

There were the pros, like rain not bothering her like it used to, but there were also the cons, like constantly feeling exposed and the need to cover up. If her appearance wasn't already strange to other travelers, it was the way she would carry herself. (Y/n) made even the most eccentric of people, like Beedle, seem rather normal in comparison.

After many stops at stables along the way to get some rest, (Y/n) found herself drawing close to her desired destination. There was no mistaking the deep blue rocks that comprised the majority of Zora's Domain, and the bridges that lead to it. Since The Great Calamity ended, that meant that the last monsters who were occupying the area were also gone, which made (Y/n) relieved.

She already had trouble enough getting here. The trip was long and arduous on its own. She didn't need having to run or fight monsters on her long list of problems.

(Y/n) heard that for the usual Zora, travel, when necessary, was quite easy, since all they would have to do was get in the water. (Y/n), with her lack of swimming abilities, did not want to push her already rotten luck and see if she had magically gained the ability to swim now that she was a Zora. The typical Zora were quite big compared to the typical Hylian, so if she got in trouble, who would help her in a pinch, with how little travelers there would be out and about in the first place?

Then she saw it. The great big fish that towered over the dazzling blue domain. (Y/n) wished that she had arrived here under better circumstances, so she could really take in the breathtaking view. However, she had one priority to tend to, and that was finding the answers she needed to return back to her Hylian body.

"Halt!" A voice called out to her, which immediately made (Y/n) stop in her tracks, letting go of the big wagon she had that included her belongings, materials, and wares.

"Who are you? I have never seen you before." An onyx Zora called out to her, wearing some armor that was silver in color. Given the armor and the spear in his hand, (Y/n) would figure that this Zora comprised of the Domain's guards, if not the Captain of the guard.

"Y-Yes, well, it is because I hail... from another Domain, you could say." (Y/n) made up on the spot with a nervous laugh, which only earned her a more scrutinizing look from the male Zora, who approached her.

"I guess wherever you're from is quite dry, given the items you have with you. A wooden wagon?" He questioned with skeptical golden eyes, which made (Y/n) nervously sweat. "I-It was all I had on hand for my travel! Look, I am in need of a new home, alright?" She held her hands up, as the male then went to circle around her, assessing if she was a threat or not.

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