13: A Promise With A Smile

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Ever since Morfran's abrupt visit to the Domain, everyone has been on high alert, especially the Council Of Elders. There were many Zora, especially the younger ones, being afraid of what the Ocean Zora could be planning to do now that they have returned to the surface.

Despite how nervous everyone became due to the revelation of Ocean Zora existing, Prince Sidon kept being his usual, cheery self, spending more time during the day walking around the Domain when he was not held up with his royal obligations. He was doing this to keep morale as high as he could, not wanting the Domain to give in to unfounded fears. Regardless of whatever the Ocean Zora would plan to do, they were safe in the Domain, and nothing was worse than feeling afraid in your very own home.

Prince Sidon knew that eventually in time, he would probably have to go on another mission to do some more investigating on the Ocean Zora. He hoped that just like last time, he would go with (Y/n), especially since she told him how she was familiar with the Faron region, where the Ocean Zora were supposed to be stationed in.

As Sidon did another of his daily tours around the Domain, making small talk here and there with the residents, his eyes then spotted (Y/n)'s shop. It was full to the brim with all sorts of trinkets, like necklaces, bracelets, anklets, masks, and so on.

He saw that (Y/n) was currently speaking to one of the younger Zora, the daughter of Kodah and Kayden, Finley.

"I want something to really cheer up Sasan. He has been so afraid for me ever since I told him about those Ocean Zora visiting the Domain." Finley smiled up to (Y/n). Finley was one of (Y/n)'s regulars, stopping quite frequently to buy something from her shop.

"I see. Would you like it to match the belt I made for you recently?" (Y/n) mused with a friendly grin, as the peach colored Zora giggled softly. "I think that is a great idea. That way no matter where he goes, he would always have a piece of the Domain with him!"

While (Y/n) was talking to Finley about the specifics of the making of such a belt, Sidon felt himself smiling fondly at watching her. It was evident that this was her passion, and she came alive when it came to it. The way her eyes would shine was a sight more fetching than anything else he had ever seen.

That was when he felt a nudge to his arm. When he turned his head, he would see Captain Bazz standing there, an amused grin on his face.

"Keep staring at her like that, and those rumors will rise back up to the surface." He snickered, which earned him a sharp look from the prince.

"I am usually busy during the day, so I never had time to see her when she's working. I was merely curious." Sidon huffed, which only made Bazz laugh some more. "Whatever you say, your highness."

"You know, (Y/n), you should make something for Prince Sidon." Finley suggested to (Y/n), who was still in her work mode. "Why's that?"

"Because you like him, don't you? I heard my parents talking about it this morning." Finley smiled to her, causing (Y/n) to break out into a mad blush. "W-What? Me? Like the prince? No way! We are just friends!"

And why was Kodah and Kayden talking about her like that?! They really weren't going to drop it, were they?

"That is not what I or the others see. Why don't you want to admit it? Being in love is an amazing thing." Finley questioned with a tilt of her head.

Now that was a stumper of a question. It took (Y/n) a moment to recollect her thoughts, before the obvious reason why came to her head.

Because even if she did like him, and it was reciprocated, they were far too different, and she was not just talking about status. She wasn't even a real Zora!

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