11: The Budding Of Something

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When night would come, Prince Sidon and (Y/n) would usually sneak off to Mikau Lake together for swimming lessons. However, on this night, (Y/n) would find that the prince was at the center of the plaza of the Domain. His golden eyes were scanning the area, before he spotted her, a friendly smile on his face as he had his hands tied behind his back.

Before the day ended, he went to finally confide to his father about the other discoveries on his brief journey with (Y/n). The strange ability of her Secret Stone, and the vision he was a part of. Unfortunately, the prince was no closer to the answer as he was a few days ago. It seems this stone truly was a secret, and even the scholars of the Domain had no leads to it. It made him feel disappointed that he couldn't be a bigger help to (Y/n), but he knew in his heart that this wouldn't make her mad at him.

"Sidon? Why are you here?" (Y/n) asked as she curiously approached him. They couldn't talk here, people would see them and think even more that they were a couple.

"Because I wish to converse with you here." Sidon told her in an even tone, staring intently into her eyes as if conveying a message to her through looks alone.

Knowing the way he spoke was unusual, (Y/n) caught on to what he was trying to do quickly with a nod. "I see... Then, I suppose I can tell you about the new technique I was perfecting." She made up on the spot, as Sidon nodded softly to her with a bigger grin. She got what he was trying to tell her covertly.

By doing this, they would wash away anymore of the rumors about the two of them, since there was no doubt some Zora watching them right at that very moment.

"You see, I heard that the general rule is depending on the gem, depends on what kind of materials goes best with it. I was thinking perhaps I could break that established rule, make a bunch of funky combinations to see what happens." (Y/n) told Sidon, just as she spotted him looking at something behind her, that made her turn around.

"I heard her say the word "funky"! I think she and Sidon are going to start a band!" A girl's voice was heard, causing Sidon to give (Y/n) a knowing look, as the much shorter Zora nodded at him. He called it right, someone was definitely spying on them, and by the sound of it, it was a whole group of them.

What the two then spotted was a lot of the younger Zora spying on them from behind the pillars, the group going to squeak at having been caught by the two.

"I-I told you we shouldn't have hidden here! We should have hidden up there!" One of them started to argue.

"It doesn't matter now... We have been caught..." Another sighed with a frown, lowering his head in shame.

"Now, what do we have here? Sneaky little minnows, out here when they should be sleeping already." (Y/n) smiled softly at the group, who all looked guilty at having been caught, holding their hands behind their backs as they bowed their heads in shame.

"You all should head to the pools to sleep. Surely your parents are worrying about you being out this late." Sidon grinned at the group. He had found their spies.

The group relented with a nod, before the majority went to slowly trudge to the sleeping chamber where the majority of the Zora went to sleep.

One of the younger Zora went to run up to the two, a smile on her face as she giggled. "If you do make a band, Prince Sidon, please invite me to the concert! Or better yet, make me the lead singer!" The girl chirped with an excited bounce. (Y/n) could recognize she was one of the members of the prince's fan club, Laruta.

"Of course." Sidon chuckled softly in amusement, before Laruta was running off to join the rest of the group.

"I can see why you wanted to have that chat." (Y/n) mused with hands on her hips as she watched them all head up the stairs to the sleeping chamber, out of sight.

(Sidon x Reader) The Out Of Body ExperienceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora